Dads and Moms Blogs (XCIV)

Today, as every week, we review the most interesting thing that has been read in some of the moms and dads blogs We can find on the net.

We started with a dad's blog, something unusual because we are not very talkative men and babies, in Your dad spoils you Kiko tells us about Iberian ham and stem cells, in reference to the breast milk her daughter drinks, giving her vision regarding breastfeeding.

In Be moms Irene tells us about the birthday of her eldest daughter, who has done seven years, and how she feels like a mother and how she felt the day she went to give birth. Thus we see how it has changed, what has been the reason for that change and why everything we do is magic.

In Being a mother: an adventure!Silvia tells us about the boy in the coat, who seems to have something to do with some evil child but that has nothing to do with it. He refers to his baby, who has been sleeping with a sack since three months, a garment that wraps his entire body except for arms and head, leaving freedom of movement but always keeping him warm avoiding the uncovering safe.

In Mom, pampering and more, Mireia tells us that Out of energy is…, with a cold shared by the three members of her family and with her little one about to let go and with a thousand eyes so that no harm is done. Without a doubt, a feeling of fathers and mothers we have had several times.

In Diving in me, Cocolina gives us his vision on the so famous word Reconciliation in his entry Re-conciliate-me, famous and that has a very high specific weight for all that entails and all the opinions that arise around. Interesting entry to know your point of view.

In Umamá's diary, Uma explains that her little one has already turned 11 months old and reviews how the theme of food, sleep and development is going, so that we can see how she sees things and at the same time what they have recommended at this stage of the movie.

In Creating a lifePatry has shown us a video in which you can see your child feeding on lentils with ketchup in one of those indescribable mixtures that only children are able to make and eat without pouting.

To finish, in 38 years and one day, this mother summarizes in a few lines everything she is, starting it all with an "I am", an entry that enlivens with a link to the song "Bitch" by Meredith Brooks. A beautiful way to explain how you are or how you feel ... how you see yourself, in a nutshell.

I take this opportunity to remind you that if you have any Blog in which you talk about your children or things related to motherhood and babies, you can tell us in the comments for us to read and comment on.

Video: Roman Numerals 10-30 (July 2024).