Highlights in Babies and more: from July 26 to August 1

Today as every Monday we offer you a summary of highlights of the last week in Babies and more.

We finish the month of July and we start the month of August, immersed in full holiday "madness", so we have touched on some issues related to children and summer, such as to the beach with a baby ... I will survive or what happens when the things are different in summer with routine changes in vacations, also touching the theme of parents and exhausting holidays with children.

Entering our themes, we have addressed the issue of breastfeeding by offering various news. We have commented that the World Breastfeeding Week 2010 arrives: "10 steps to successful breastfeeding", we have again talked about the code that tries to regulate the operation of artificial milk manufacturers in the failure of the Code of Substitutes of the Breast milk and we have talked about some breastfeeding figures similar to those we have offered on other occasions: Breastfeeding would save one and a half million lives a year.

Also on this topic we have talked about how it would affect to offer pregnant women information on the part of the pediatrician in the role of pediatricians in the promotion of breastfeeding: during pregnancy and we have been able to see a moving story related to breastfeeding and prematurity, Lactation of a 24-week gestation baby: a story of overcoming.

Focusing on pregnancy and childbirth, we have commented on a little known situation that can occur, the denial of pregnancy, we have talked about nests, nurseries or nurseries, and if they serve for anything, the importance of having babies born in a cozy environment and the role of midwives in Primary Care.

Also in this regard we have known that consuming a cup of coffee a day during pregnancy is safe, that acupuncture would not help induce labor and that vaginal delivery after caesarean section is an increasingly safe option. We have also initiated an interesting debate to know what effect the epidural caused you.

Speaking of babies and children, we have commented on something we have been trying for a long time: attended baby, happy adult. We have also talked about the teeth of our children in teeth of more and less teeth in children and how not of one of the great doubts related to the same: When does the baby's first tooth come out?

Finally, we have talked about our children's birthdays by offering some alternatives to candy bags and we have talked about children's ways of playing and the differences that exist between some games and others.

We hope that this week the contents of Babies and more find them interesting, enjoyable and practical. We will work to make it happen.

Video: Young professionals WhoMahanap pairs up with their chosen KalaWhok. It's Showtime KapareWho (July 2024).