First consequences (positive and negative) of children playing Pokemon Go

Yes, our country has arrived very recently but Pokémon Go had been walking through the streets of many other countries for weeks.

Now we are beginning to know the consequences of this new fever. The first consequences (positive and negative) of children playing Pokémon Go, because it is clear that there is both for and against this game or this way of playing.

Against: the real world

Accidents on the street

Playing in the street to catch Pokémons can be very expensive. Fifteen-year-old Autumn Daiseroth was lucky and suffered only minor injuries and bruises after being hit by crossing without looking at reality, just looking at his app to catch a new Pokémon.

The funny thing is that she considers that she is not to blame for anything. The app on her mobile phone showed her the way to catch a Pokémon and she set out to get it, without realizing that, translated into real life, it made her get in the middle of the road.

Without looking and zebra crossing, was hit by a car That made her jump through the air. Autumn's mother agrees with her daughter's appreciation, says the fault lies with the game.

Nintendo, meanwhile, is cured in health and through its app warns the player that it is he who must be vigilant at all times and watching around him. Its real around and not just the virtual one, obviously.

There have already been several players who have reported being damaged by stumble or fall when going down the street and not realizing that they were on the public roads while they were playing and in the street, in the real one, there are no Pokémons but there are cars, there are steps, there are bins against which it is easy to crash and get damaged while having your head and all the senses in hunting Pokémons in a kind of parallel reality.

Terrible distractions

About meeting a corpse as happened to a girl in Wyoming for being focused on the hunt for the Pokémon or confusing you during the birth of your wife because one has appeared on her bed, I am not sure if it is something very good either.

Technology addiction

The loss of the perception of the environment, that the player is on the street, that the real world can affect him, is very dangerous as we have seen in these cases and in many others that we are getting to know.

The player leaves home yes, leaves the sofa and moves, walks, jumps and even runs but always stuck to the smartphone screen, the interaction is still through technology and a screen. In that sense, obviously Pokémon Go does not help to overcome this possible addiction but rather the opposite.

Also has good things


Yes, we are still in the United States because this application has been running for more time in this country and we talk not only about one case but about two.

The virtual reality generated by the Pokémon seems to be helping some children expand their own reality, to socialize, to go out and even relate to strangers with the point of union that gives them the hunt and capture of these "drawings".

The story of Ralph, an autistic child

Ralph's story, told by his mother in his Facebook account is one of these positive cases of Pokémon Go and as she says when telling the story and seeing her son talking with other children and leaving their usual space, breaking his rigid routine:

"I didn't know whether to laugh or cry"

Whether you like Pokemon Go or not. Please read this incredible piece.

- Stryder @ # mplex2016 (@BigGreenFolf) July 14, 2016

Or even the statement of another user also through his social network, commenting that for 3 years his son had not left home and now the game of hunting Pokémons had managed to get him out of the security of his home.

. @amoebadesign This was posted on a UK Autism friendly group, so I doubt that this is a PR stunt #PokemonGo #autism

- Stryder @ # mplex2016 (@BigGreenFolf) July 15, 2016

Leave a sedentary lifestyle

For some users, leaving home and moving to hunt the different Pokémon has meant walking, moving and leaving a sedentary lifestyle to which they were getting used to their body and that we know is so negative for health at any age. The comments in this regard are very positive, it is true that the user moves, leaves the sofa and increases his physical activity but your entertainment, your attention is fixed on the same product: a video game.

The game you already see that it has its pros and cons and that it affects both adults and teenagers, as well as children who have discovered in Pokémon Go a different and exciting way of leisure. As usual, common sense and good sense they will be the ones that allow us to play safely and that is where we have to be aware as mothers and fathers.

Photos | Poké
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Video: Pokemon go craziest real life FIGHTS! (July 2024).