To the Natural Sciences Museum of Madrid with the children

This Tuesday we were visiting the Museum of Natural Sciences of Madrid with children. It is a museum to which we are paid, because my son loves animals, but this time the visit was special, we went with many children and also had a guided tour.

We went with several families with children from three years and we also enjoyed a museum guide specialized precisely in children's activities, so the visit was extremely interesting for the little ones.

In addition, the area of ​​Minerals, Paleontology and Human Evolution has recently been reopened, so we enjoy the fossils very well organized and accompanied by panels with drawings that show the habitat and characteristics of hominids better than ever, so very didactic and visual, which makes children interested in science and have fun learning.

We loved some innovative gadgets that make moving dinosaurs appear on a screen in the hands of the children who handle them, so you can imagine how the little ones enjoyed the game.

We could also see a temporary exhibition on large carnivores full of surprises, the warehouse full of animals of all species and the usual tour of Mediterranean fauna.

My advice is that, if you live here or visit the city, do not miss the Natural Sciences Museum of MadridWell, although it is not large or precisely for that reason, it is excellent to go with children. There are many animals and information adapted for them, so they can discover Nature and its mysteries enjoying as never before.

Official site | National Museum of Natural Sciences More information | Epysteme In Babies and more | To the Geominero Museum with the children, Carranque, closer to Rome with the children, Tutankhamon very close to the children in Madrid

Video: Seeing Madrid 18, Natural Science Museum (July 2024).