Isasaweis tells his experience with breastfeeding

A few months ago we brought you to Babies and more a video of Isasaweis in which he explained what his experiences related to his birth were. A few days ago he posted a video explaining on his website your experience with breastfeeding and I found it interesting to show it here because of the naturalness with which it explains everything and how close it shows with its "walking around the house" language.

I confess that I had not stopped to listen to this woman, whose page is full of beauty tips, recipes and other things (I guess that's why I had not noticed her), but I wanted to see her videos about motherhood and babies because being such a well-known person on the Internet your point of view could be interesting.

The truth is that it entertained me a lot because it explains in 20 minutes something like “Nursing Mother's Diary”, Recounting various problems with the rise in milk, potential problems that he could have had and did not have, which breastfeeding discs he considers most appropriate, etc.

He also talks about lanolin for cracks, about putting milk in the nipple to heal them (recommended perhaps at the beginning of breastfeeding, but not if the cracks appear later), different positions and even breast pumps and ways to store milk.

I only see one mistake, this mother says that it is true that the milk is sometimes cut, and that while it is not cut, it is best to breastfeed. The truth is that the milk is not cut. If a child sucks, there will always be milk. It could be cut in case there was a huge disgust that would increase the mother's stress and block milk production. It could happen, but at the time that the stress decreases everything returns to its place and the mother returns to produce milk as before.

I think the most interesting thing is to see that this mother was dodging the different potholes she encountered, despite the doubts, and realize that information is power because it gives confidence to continue (and if you have before giving birth, better than after, of course).

Video: Boob Lube (July 2024).