Around the reconciliation schedules

The report prepared by the Congressional subcommittee on conciliation proposes that schoolchildren start a little later and the split day is established, given the impossibility of adequate reconciliation with the divergence between work and school hours.

The supposed experts and their so-called investigative commissions are back and the rest of the mortals are trembling again at what may have come from there. There is a saying in this country that says: "meeting of shepherds, dead sheep" and here you already know that we do not register in the popular proverb any phrase like this and without having suffered it before. And yes, we are already around with reconciliation schedules, again.

Well, nine months has cost them this time, one after another. It is funny that the supposed measures that will save the conciliation in this country have been slow to develop the same as a pregnancy, although I fear that this has left us much more expensive and unlike birth, the pains, we will suffer the rest of the room instead of the parturient.

He says the Commission that, as regards school hours, the continuous working day is not considered adequate either for conciliation, or for gender equality, or to meet the needs of minors. "It is necessary to adapt both schedules, vacations and the rest of the school calendar to the working hours." Nine months for that, awesome.

Indeed gentlemen, working hours have never been fans of family reconciliation, much less in this country where the concept "production" it is not conceived without one is not from sun to sun working heated chair or that your boss has the number of your mobile, your wife's, your mother's house and your mother-in-law's, as well as your exact position triangulated by satellite . In a country where instead of entrepreneurs there are revenue collectors Reconciling work and family sounds like a joke.

Our sages say that the continuous day at school is not compatible with certain jobs and that the split day in schools should be implemented to help conciliation.

And what do we do with the hours between morning and afternoon? And in summer?

"The need for a greater effort to adjust it and expand the offer of complementary or extracurricular services, such as morning reception or school services on vacation, is key to an adequate conciliation, at least in the period from birth to 12 years, age in which the minor has autonomy "

Here we have a very delicate and complicated situation to solve. It is clear that the summer months are a problem for many parents. Already in the month of May we begin to make cabals, schemas and equations of Quito to see how we square the summer. A broader offer would help many, that's true, but I see two pitfalls: not everyone can pay a "summer course" to their children and second, what kind of "service" are we talking about? Because what our children need in summer is to enjoy this and not continue in summer pseudo-courses that are neither one thing nor the other, and finally, from my own experience I will say that the schedules that these summer courses have leave What to want in terms of conciliation is concerned.

As for the day left, I do not say that they are not bad in small cities. In my house all my life there has been a split day. I left school at half past one to go home to eat together with my parents, the one I wanted then threw a big head and each at half past three returned to their chores, me to class and my father to work. And all this was possible because we lived, I 10 minutes walk from school and the other many of his work, ah, I forgot a minor detail, my mother did not work outside the home.

Something like that, in Madrid or Barcelona, ​​in which we spend hours in the car or in any of the public transports we enjoy is quite complicated, if not impossible, because gentlemen advisors, I don't know if they know, but here We already have a split day in the schools and it can be enjoyed by all those children who are lucky enough to have someone to pick them up by mid-morning and return them to school in the afternoon. The rest has to stay between dining rooms and after school.

Varapalo to the labor reform

On the other hand and, according to this text, the labor reform has been "object of criticism" by several experts, but mainly because of the flexibility provided to the company, by allowing the employer to distribute 10 percent of the workers' work regularly throughout the year, and that only five days in advance are entitled to these To know the schedule, its concretion and start day.

It also indicates that certain acquired rights are modified through the Organic Law on Integral Protection Measures against Gender Violence of 2004, as the accumulation of the reduction of working hours by legal guardianship in full-time work, and in addition, the non-application of the working conditions foreseen in the higher scope agreements that affect the working day, time, distribution of time and shift regime, depending on certain circumstances affecting the company.

There is also an application priority of the company agreement against higher level agreements, in matters such as working hours, salary and conciliation.

In fact, "on occasion, different interventions and positions in this subcommittee have stressed that Labor Reform has not contributed to the necessary interrelation and collaboration between collective bargaining and Equality Plans", so they state that a boost is necessary towards the inclusion of conciliation and co-responsibility measures in collective agreements. They further affirm that the control system of the Labor Inspectorate on collective agreements should be deepened.

In addition, the subcommittee considers that the equality plans of companies must have a minimum mandatory content in matters of conciliation and co-responsibility measures, being ratified by the corresponding administrative service and that the evaluation instruments established at respect.

Don't jump for joy that we already know the case that the businessmen of this country make to all those recommendations of the European community that do not revert immediate benefits to them in their results accounts. It seems that somehow, even if it is timidly, they imply that the last labor reform is not that it has been very successful on this issue and they recommend adjusting the freedom of schedules given to the management of companies so that they have Take into account the European recommendations, and strengthen the part-time contract. Another empty recommendation because that type of contract is already being enjoyed by the majority of workers in this country. Sorry, I was wrong with the concept, What we are enjoying is the half-day contract and not the part-time contract. Sorry for the typo.

Business hours

On the other hand, a framework of business hours is requested where the merchant and the workers have the right to reconcile their personal, family and work life and that respects the balance between the different commercial formats. To this end, it is proposed to prepare reports and studies that allow obtaining data on the Spanish reality and support the implementation of reforms in this regard.

It also echoes European recommendations on working hours who urge that it be gradually reduced to favor this conciliation. And a departure time is proposed around Six o'clock in the afternoon.

However, at this point there are discrepancies, according to the report, since if in large cities, everyone left at the same time, the traffic jams would be endless. Already, but to enter all at nine no problem, right?

TV schedules

This work prepared by the Congress reflects the need for televisions to advance the news broadcasting schedules, in order to advance their schedules 'prime time', before 23.00, in addition to eradicating the sexist content and that contribute to the perpetuation of stereotypes in the role of women, boost self esteem and the dignification of the latter and adopt the necessary measures for the equalization in decision-making in domestic and family aspects of men and women.

Family and socially responsible companies invest in child schooling services, in the extension of parental leave and in greater flexibility in time and face-to-face and that is why this Commission proposes the incentive of these companies through benefits, deductions or tax exemptions.

It seems to me that there are certain very necessary measures that can really help a conciliation, although I think that so that we can talk about a true conciliation we still have a lot to go.

What do you think? Are we going in the right direction or do we continue around with reconciliation schedules?

Video: Prepaid Reconciliation Tutorial (July 2024).