Fernando Argenta has died the greatest popularizer of classical music for children with El Conciertazo

My daughter was born in 2003 and many Saturdays I put her on the couch to watch the program The concert seeing the artistic representations that Fernando Argenta invented on the stage of the MIRA Teatro de Pozuelo de Alarcón before an audience of children who were very attentive to what was happening on the stage and outside it. The Conciertazo has been, and you can still see how great it was thanks to the videos that can be retrieved from the rtve.es page, a popularization program for classical music, ballet and opera which was broadcast on La 2 de tve and that encouraged the love of music, theater and culture in general among children. This program took many awards including the one of best children's program awarded by the Academy of Television Arts and Sciences.

Fernando Argenta He died on December 3, 2013 at age 68 from pancreatic cancer. In addition to The concert He was also a popular music broadcaster among the rest of the family through the program Popular Classics of National Radio of Spain.

His loss joins another great specialist in contemporary jazz music, Antonio Fernández, host of Reserved Area and Fernando Argenta's partner also in tve and rne. Between the two they have made me know a lot of music and I hope that the learning can also be transmitted to my daughter as she grows up.

Like Antonio Fernández, Fernando Argenta was affected by an employment regulation file at RTVE and in December 2008 he left television and radio in the public media. Even so, his legacy, accessible on the Internet, also remained alive and if, for example Antonio Fernández launched his ViveJazz page, Fernando Argenta has continued to collaborate and perform events for children such as this concert we mentioned a few years ago.

Fernando Argenta He has written books and at home we have taken the opportunity to pick up one that we bought recently and that went from the bookshelf to the bookshelf waiting for someone to read, consult and devour. Sure that Now is the time to review this work which proposes a tour of music starting with Prehistory and following the Ancient World, Middle Ages, Renaissance, Baroque, Classicism, Romanticism and the twentieth century and the latest trends. In the book, which we are going to read, we can find curious anecdotes and having written Fernando Argenta, it is full of rigor and commitment. It is also illustrated by Julius He takes advantage of the cover to use The Beatles famous zebra crossing to illustrate it with Mozart, Wagner, Elvis and a troubadour.

We are very sorry for your loss and we are sure that your legacy will go far. I hope that other professional communicators will soon take over and worry that children will continue to know, love, feel and enjoy classical music.

We leave you with a video of The concert from which you can see many more. Or if not, going to the RTVE page as we have commented:

Video: RĂ©quiem de Verdi. Director Pascual Osa. 8 de abril de 2017. Dies Irae (July 2024).