To encourage women to be engineers, you have to let girls build with their toys

Few months ago in Peques and More We talked about Roominate, a toy that pretends to be the necessary inspiration for girls to be visionaries, engineers and architects of the future. The drivers of Roominate it is Alice Brooks and Bettina Chen who met at Stanford University in 2010 and realized that there was not much presence of female students in STEM careers. So they promoted Roominate so that today's girls can be the engineers of the future.

And the two realized that as children, they were very fond of playing with toys to make and build stuff. That is why they were encouraged to promote the manufacture of toys of the type do it yourself and they launched themselves to seek financing through Kickstarter, which is when we presented them in Peques and More. The original idea was for girls to buy a set of colored pieces Cake that could be assembled to build a building or any other type of structure. Once the building was built it could be decorated with paper, ornaments and even use the engine to include appliances, fans or any other functional element using energy as can be seen in the following image.

Roominate was a success and the crowdfunding campaign reached its goal quickly. So they started working to sell Roominate products in stores like Toys R Us or Amazon. And so the kits are already awakening the creativity of the little ones and the creators receive good experiences from the creations of the girls who buy and experiment with them.

So I encourage parents who are interested in promoting STEM knowledge among their daughters between 6 and 12 years old, who review, for example, the product on Amazon with high customer ratings and with a price of $ 49.99, less than 40 euros. With this toy, girls can be encouraged to build, reproduce buildings and incorporate a basic technology, for example, an electric motor to stimulate the imagination.


Sure many parents they will look for this type of toys in stores in the next Christmas campaigns to allow the abstraction capacity of your children to be configured and help them to fix concepts in math studies from elementary school. And of course to play, share your achievements with other friends or family and discover how to improve.

Video: Woman Engineer Told "Girls Dont Like to Build" (July 2024).