Microwaves and baby burns

As we know, the kitchen is the most dangerous place in the house for children, and it must take all kinds of precautions to avoid home accidents. Inside the kitchen, microwave ovens are a serious threat to the safety of young children, if we talk about burns.

According to a study conducted in the United States, and that could be extended to places where microwave use is widespread, Foods or liquids heated in microwave ovens are the fourth cause of burns among children under 5.

Those have been the results obtained after the review of records of the Center of the Burned of the University of Chicago. Researchers advise parents to teach their children that the microwave is a source of potential hazards if not used properly.

The team that conducted the study also suggests that it could be beneficial to prevent those injuries that manufacturers install mechanisms to prevent children from opening the microwave after heating a food.

The study, published in the journal "Pediatrics", also prevents burns by running water, and they advise that thermostats or heaters be regulated so that the water temperature never becomes excessive.

Although the most frequent cause of scalds (more than 90%) is the contact with hot food or liquids: While children cook or transport hot food, something they should never do without adult supervision.

The general advice is to try to keep children away from the kitchen, and, when it is not possible, sit them in a high chair or high chair or provide them with a safe place to play safely.

Video: Baby put in microwave, mom charged in death (July 2024).