Taking care of the planet is learned from an early age: tips on World Environment Day

Today is celebrated on World Environment Day, that although it has a stipulated date, the care of the planet is an obligation of every day. Something that parents should also teach children since they are little as a natural learning.

The example here is very important. What you do, they will do, and what you don't do, they won't do it either. So it is essential that as parents we transmit to young children gestures and habits that help take care of the environment. Attentive to these tips:

  • Within what fits, and according to their ages, it is key that children are having small responsibilities within the family nucleus.

  • Use the game to involve children: For example, giving him the position of "recycling manager" or "caretaker on the sidewalk of my house" is a great idea for children to learn by playing and feel partakers.

  • Inform them, raise awareness: send information about the need for environmental care and how it can help. There are great children's books (here you have six) that will help raise awareness and at the same time the child disseminates it.

  • Get involved with the child in activities related to environmental care: City halls, schools and other institutions usually organize very fun programs or conferences.

  • Enjoy outdoor walks together: excursions, field trips, trips, walks in the mountains are perfect opportunities to make contact with nature.

  • Set an example: As I said before, the example is essential for children to learn to take care of the environment. If we don't take care of water or electricity at home, children won't either. Teach him not to waste them.

Video: Science Video for Kids: How to Care for the Environment (June 2024).