The future law against alcohol consumption proposes to fine parents whose minor children drink

Last week, the report establishing the basis of the future Law against alcohol consumption by minors, awaiting approval by the Joint Congress-Senate Commission for the Study of the Drug Problem.

The future Law aims to have an "educational and pedagogical" character that guarantees the protection of minors, and one of the points it proposes is fine parents whose minor children drink alcohol.

Fines parents: a measure that has raised controversy

According to the report, the latest data on alcohol consumption by minors are really worrisome, and with the objective of delaying the beginning of consumption at 18 years, the new Law proposes a series of measures that, in addition to educating, guarantee the protection of minors.

The point that has raised the most controversy is the one that refers to the fines that will be imposed on the parents if their minor children drink. Further, in cases of serious recidivism in which a negligent attitude was demonstrated by the parents, the existing regulations in the legal system for the protection of minors would apply.

To condone the penalty, parents must participate together with their children in the reeducational activities that are imposed on them as an alternative, based on evidence and with prevention and reeducation objectives.

There are many voices that have risen against parental sanction measures, claiming that when children enter adolescence, they often lose control of what they do when they leave home. In this way, friendships, certain environments, "fashions" ... could lead children to act in a way that does not correspond to the education received at home.

Others think that the responsibility of what the children do should fall on themselves and not about their parents, especially when we talk about a certain age in which it is assumed that the child should have a knowledge of social norms and a certain maturity.

In this regard, they maintain that by applying sanctioning measures to minors who are not destined to raise money but to repair the damages (for example, cleaning the streets of the garbage generated by the bottle) greater awareness would be achieved that avoiding the responsibility, when it falls to the parents.

But there are also people who applaud the proposal, since they consider that there are many parents who do not get properly involved in the education of their children and that they do not encourage communication with them, so everything that minors do outside the home should be the responsibility of the family.

Other measures proposed by the new Law

Other of the many measures proposed by the future Law against alcohol consumption in minors are:

  • Prohibit the sale and consumption of alcoholic beverages on public roads, which is popularly known as "making bottles", except in terraces or authorized areas.

  • Harden the measures against any type of shop or store that sells or supplies alcohol to minors repeatedly, even being closed.

  • As it already happens with the tobacco, to include in the labeling of the drinks with alcoholic content - taking into account the European Directive - a sanitary warning on the damages and risks for the health.

  • Limit publicity, promotion and sponsorship on public roads by establishing a perimeter around the vicinity of places destined for minors or frequented by them, that is, schools, institutes, health centers or cinemas or theater rooms during shows aimed at minors.

  • Limit the sponsorship of alcoholic beverages to sports, cultural, educational, leisure activities, etc., especially if they are places that are likely to be minors: concerts, beer runners, box office movies, online games, employer parties ...

  • The advertising of alcoholic drinks on television must have a restriction on children's hours in which advertising of any kind may not be inserted, nor on programs broadcast one hour before or after that time.

In terms of education, it is proposed both in Primary and Secondary, as in Baccalaureate and Vocational Training, to include actions that promote health education, as well as protocols that allow early detection of minors with risk factors.

In the healthcare field, health professionals will have a primary role in the detection of alcohol consumption in minors. In addition, certain protocols for action will be established in hospitals' emergencies when children with ethyl poisoning are treated, in order to anticipate possible addictions.

And as far as advertising is concerned, in addition to the measures mentioned above, it is proposed to change the act of "moderate consumption" or "it is your responsibility" for more blunt ones that do not incite consumption, such as "zero tolerance in minors ". They also want to carry out awareness campaigns about alcohol abuse, as well as alternative leisure proposals to the alcochol during the celebration of cultural and employer parties.

Zero tolerance in alcohol consumption by minors

Some experts are skeptical of this new Law and do not believe that it will be sufficiently effective, because today the regional laws and local ordinances that regulate alcohol consumption have not had the desired impact.

Not surprisingly, despite the restrictions imposed for the sale of alcohol to minors, the access of young people to alcoholic beverages is increasing.

According to the Survey on drug use in secondary education in Spain (Estudes 2016-2017), of the Ministry of Health, approximately 75 percent of Spanish boys and girls between 14 and 18 have tried alcohol, the average age of onset in its weekly consumption being 15 years.

Of the data published by the Ministry of Health, the growth of the rate of alcohol consumption in particular with respect to the 2014 data draws attention, with an increase of almost 38,000 more.

On the other hand, the report warns of the permissiveness of parents regarding the consumption of alcohol by their children, because 48 percent allow their younger children to drink. In addition, more than 20 percent of students between the ages of 14 and 18 claim to get alcohol in their own home, and almost 30 percent in friends' homes.

Personally, I consider it essential that parents get involved in this issue and educate your minor children in zero consumption of alcohol. In addition, we must teach them to say "no", to have their own personality, and not to be swept away by fashion or by what the rest of the group does.

It is also our responsibility to let them see the negative effects of the drink, show them alternatives and leisure plans where alcohol has no place and, of course, set an example with our actions.

However, and unfortunately, parents can't avoid everything, and adolescence is a particularly vulnerable stage characterized by the transgression of behaviors, the desire to try new things and to do the same as the rest to avoid feeling excluded.

Personally, I think that what we really need to tackle is the concept and perception that much of society has of alcohol as something essential to have fun, and that should not be missing at any party or gathering of friends.

In this sense, hold parents accountable and fine for their children's behavior (as long as, logically, it is not a case of neglect) I do not think it will be a measure that solves this alarming scenario.

What do you think about it? Should parents be fined for their children's alcohol consumption? What measures do you consider should be applied to eradicate this problem?

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Via The World

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