They make public a heartbreaking video of the last days of your baby with whooping cough to raise awareness about vaccination

What these parents have gone through is very hard. They were waiting for their baby, he was born healthy, but after a few days he got a cough and whooping cough and died with only four weeks of life.

Despite the great pain they went through they decided Make a heartbreaking video of the last days of your baby's life with pertussis public to raise awareness about the importance of preventing this very serious disease for newborns through the vaccination in pregnancy.

The video shows the baby at different stages of the disease and I assure you that hearing him coughing in that way is distressing. I imagine for parents ...

The cough that killed Riley Hughes

* Warning - contains content that some may find distressing * These are the final videos of our beautiful son Riley who passed away from whooping cough on the 17th of March, 2015.I have always kept these videos to myself, as it makes my blood run cold listening to my beautiful boy cough like that. But we are sharing this in the hopes that it will convince just one more pregnant Mum to protect their baby from this disease. I wish I had known about pregnancy vaccination when I was pregnant with Riley.In the beginning, Riley didn't have a "whoop" sound in his cough, but it certainly developed once he was in hospital. If your newborn baby has a cough, and is too young to be vaccinated, please get them checked out by a doctor! Early intervention CAN help.I loved being Riley's Mum for those four weeks. I wish it were longer. Please share to help ensure no more babies die from this disease, which I hope one day will be relegated to the history books.- Riley's Mum x

Posted by Light for Riley on Wednesday, January 6, 2016

His mother, Catherine Hughes, wrote on her Facebook profile:

These are the last videos of our beautiful son Riley, who died of whooping cough on March 17, 2015. I have always kept these videos of myself, since it makes my blood freeze to hear our child cough that way . But we are sharing this in the hope of convincing more than one pregnant woman to protect her baby from this disease. I wish I had known about vaccination when I was pregnant with Riley. In the beginning, Riley didn't have a "whistle" in her cough, but instead developed once in the hospital. If your newborn baby has a cough, and is too small to be vaccinated, please take him to the doctor! Early intervention can help. I loved being Riley's mom those four weeks. I wish they had been more. Please share to help ensure there are no more deaths of babies because of this disease, which I hope will one day be relegated to history books.

In Spain there has also been a spike in pertussis in recent months. Until the end of the year there were five cases of newborns who have died from this disease.

Before two months, children cannot be vaccinated against whooping cough, but by vaccinating the pregnant woman the antibodies pass through the placenta, protecting the baby by 90% against the disease during the first weeks of life until he can receive the vaccine.

Therefore, if you are pregnant, find out well where you can get vaccinated against this contagious disease so dangerous for the little ones. The recommendation is that vaccination is performed between week 28 and 32, since it is from that moment (week 32) when the placenta begins to pass antibodies to the baby.

Video: Infant girl with whooping cough (July 2024).