Weaning: everything you need to know

Whoever has decided, weaning is a very special moment for both the mother and the baby. It is not easy, because it usually generates anxiety, worry and guilt, so we tell you everything you need to know about weaning To avoid these feelings.

Weaning is a process that must be overcome with respect towards the needs of the child, doing it little by little, naturally and by consensus. If the child is older, we can explain it to him by participating in the decision, but when the child is a baby it is more difficult for him to understand it, so we must know how to do it to avoid feeling it as a rejection.

Who decides weaning

Sometimes it is the mother who for various circumstances decides to wean. Among the most common reasons, and all perfectly respectable, are not wanting to continue breastfeeding, medical reasons and, in most cases, the return to work. Although reinstatement does not have to mean the end of breastfeeding if you want to continue giving. Maternity leave in Spain is only 16 weeks so you can extract and store breast milk to continue offering it to your baby for longer.

Some mothers also decide to leave him before a new pregnancy, but it is also possible to continue breastfeeding in these cases and even at the birth of the new baby if that is what you choose.

When weaning is not induced by the mother, it is the son who decides. Is the "Natural or spontaneous weaning" It will happen sooner or later. As anthropologist Kathy Dettwyler told us in an interview for Babies and more "The natural age of weaning goes from 2 years and a half to 7 years."

In this case, the child is the one who sets the pace. Some days it will take more shots, other days less, and in some cases weaning will be more radical. Each child has different needs and will wean in their own way. The mother may feel frustrated because her child does not want the breast anymore, but it is important not force him.

Recall that WHO recommends exclusive breastfeeding during the first six months and then supplemented with solid nutrition until at least the two years. If the baby shows signs of wanting to wean before two years and you want to continue doing it, all is not lost. We give you some simple tips that you can put into practice to avoid it.

How to wean

As you know, the chest is not only food, but it also involves much more: comfort, love, pampering, contact ... that's why it's so important weaning be progressive, so that the child does not feel that mom doesn't love him anymore.

The key is to go replacing the shots gradually For other foods. It should not be done abruptly, but to do it little by little, as a process for weeks.

The mother, in principle, should not offer the breast, although it can be flexible if the child is considered to need comfort at any given time. Nor should he deny it if the child asks.

How to eliminate the shots? Anticipate situations It is essential to prevent the child from asking for a tit. When it's time to eat, offer other foods or formula if you don't eat solid foods yet.

For its part, when it is not hunger but contact what it claims, it uses other resources such as pampering or games that distract the baby. For example, if you always take the tit after bathing, replace the moment with a massage session to entertain and prevent him from asking.

In this way, you continue to maintain a special moment of bonding, but without breastfeeding. The idea is that the child does not live it as a loss, but as if he gains new and positive experiences.

You can do it like this, gradually replacing with the shots of the day. The last shots that are replaced are those of the night, since they are the ones that most relax the baby at bedtime, especially if you practice colecho.

By making it progressive, the mother's breast will adapt to produce less milk. If not, it is recommended pump out to avoid problems such as breast engorgement, mastitis or other discomfort. It is recommended not to extract too much, only what is necessary to calm the discomfort, because the more stimulation, more milk will be produced.

You can go back: the relationship

Sometimes, it is believed that the decision to stop breastfeeding has been too hasty and it is decided to resume breastfeeding. It is not true that in those cases there is no going back. You can try the relactation or relactance.

To do this, it is necessary for the baby to get back to the breast and re-produce milk. When more time has passed, the harder it can be, but you can try with great enthusiasm and patience. It is recommended to lie with the baby with a naked torso to rediscover the heat, smell and sensation of contact with the mother's skin.

It is also advisable to sleep with the child and leave the chest free, as night shots increase prolactin production, stimulate the nipple and put the child to the chest frequently to re-produce milk, as well as eliminate teats, teats and bottles that can cause the child to refuse to take the breast.

If you need help…

Extra help with quality information is always good to cope with weaning as well as possible. There are great books on the subject such as "Weaning without tears", a book to stop breastfeeding without suffering, by Pilar Martinez and A gift for a lifetime of Carlos González.

You can also turn to support groups and breastfeeding organizations. Sharing the experience with other mothers who have gone through the same situation will be very positive for achieve weaning without stress.

Photos | desireefawn and allspice1 on Flickr CC On Babies and more | Weaning (I): clarifying the concept, Weaning (IV): how to do it