Dads and moms blogs (CXIV)

Today, as every week, we review the most interesting thing that has been read in some of the moms and dads blogs We can find on the net.

In The nameless girl, a blog that I did not know and that I loved, this mother tells us some stories about not sleeping, specifically talking about the collateral damage of returning to work. It is a highly recommended reading, because although it is not short, it is light and tastes very good. Perhaps you see more than one reflected in the involuntary bikini operation that explains, for example, or the lack of time that plagues recent parents, for example.

In Go through the mirror, the always nice to read Violeta Alcocer tells us about the role of parents when it comes to educating their children, asking if we judge or help. With the judgment we become in a way possessors of the absolute truth, explaining what is right and what is wrong while as helpers, we can walk alongside our children to help them decide if something is right or wrong.

In Mother apprenticeAzucena explains something that many fathers and mothers live, despite having four years of experience as a mother. With four years anyone would say that it is already an experienced mother and, nevertheless, it remains, as all parents are, a mother in the process of learning. His daughter grows up and keeps telling him that "stop mom, you're asking me for more than I can do." Luckily for her and luckily for us, our children tell us. Luckily for her daughter, she, in the end, listens to her.

In White Log, Blanca has told us about some memories she has called ancestral in a very beautiful entry in which she remembers details and things that her parents and grandparents did and that she is now doing with her children. How they covered him at night, how they heated their pajamas before bed, how they put on their socks, etc.

In Diving in me, Cocolina expresses, in an entry, asks to what extent each mother's decisions should be justified and to what extent they can be judged by others. Specifically, it focuses on talking about those women, including her, who decide to stay at home taking care of their children after finishing maternity leave.

In Blog of a desperate mother, this mother wonders if she is traumatizing her children. He says he has patience in abundance, but when it runs out, it really ends. At that moment he explodes and shouts at them, as his mother did with her, and then he has doubts and remorse, wondering to what extent his behavior will affect them when this happens. Perhaps many of you are reflected by those situations in which control is lost and you wonder if the way we have acted has been the best.

To finish, in Chronicles of a Padawan, Leia Organa explains an episode in the MiniStar of Death (save), where her Little Jedi had them, before her eyes, with an Ewok who wanted to steal his pacifier. Such a scene makes him doubt whether his Little Jedi is beginning to use the power of the Force for unwanted purposes and if that is going to mean getting too close to the power of the Dark Side, always tempting. I confess that in some moments of the story I have lost myself by calling his son MiniEwok and Little Jedi interchangeably, but then I have associated Ewok with “child” and turned Little Jedi in his name and when I reread the entry I have understood everything. Will your Little Jedi be a Little Sith Lord?

I take this opportunity to remind you that if you have any Blog in which you talk about your children or things related to motherhood and babies, you can tell us in the comments for us to read and comment on.

Video: Chef Mom vs. Chef Dad Challenge. Kids Try. HiHo Kids (July 2024).