Have you ever thought about whether you freely chose to be a father or mother, and why?

Motherhood and fatherhood should be a free choice of adults and it seems that it is not always so free even if it does not seem so.

And it really is, on numerous occasions Have you not considered if we really choose to be parents?

From the economic precariousness to the crisis in which we live, there are reasons for all tastes to decide precisely that it is not the time to be fathers or mothers. Especially since being, on many occasions, it takes us out of the economic system, the social system, the labor system, especially us, the mothers.

Having children is not a priority for the capitalist economic system in which we live and there are many young people who refuse to be mothers or fathers in the near or distant future even in view of the perspective they face and it is not because they are selfish or frivolous, it is because change is important, very important.

A brutal change

There are few services of nurseries, children's homes or really affordable nursery schools for the bulk of the population.

There is little institutional support for the birth rate and there is an economic impossibility when requesting leave of absence from the company where you work, how much you can apply for maternity and paternity leave that marks the law and sometimes, let's be honest, not even that .

There is little social support, given the circumstances in which we are moving daily as a society.

If we add to this the reality that is the unequal distribution of household chores between men and women and the fact that having a child implies that at least during the first years, the time for oneself disappears almost completely, it is evident that becoming a father or mother is unattractive so a priori and without the intermediation of the feelings of who we already are.

In addition, considering that all this is considered, when one has not been left to train and develop as a professional and as an individual, suddenly thinking of putting the brake on the professional field and embracing the plural in the most personal sphere, it is evident that It is not something that appeals to the vast majority.

The reality against the reality

Although Everything exposed so far is true, it is also true that children are still born in every corner of the planet why?

Talk about the "maternal instinct" experts say it is to talk about a myth without scientific basis, as when we talk about the survival of the species relating it to that supposed instinct. There seems to be no solid data to reinforce this theory.

We strive and strive, we perpetuate ourselves, we propose it and by social conditioning or not, by personal wishes or not, the case is that we become fathers and mothers and we do not realize that with that we are awarded a job for lifetime.

A real job, up to any professional activity and why not? It should be valued and taken into account, We learn by being fathers and mothers a series of concepts that perhaps we did not know or that we could get to learn.

Concepts that we can apply to our working life perfectly. From the ability to improvise against the clock when the forecasts are not met, to the infinite negotiating capacity with the most tough agents we will ever have in front in a negotiation such as our own children, through the detailed assessment and prioritization of the demands of the environment .

We learn a lot and on the go, because we also depend a lot on ourselves, as we said before Neither the laws nor the companies consider that paternity and maternity can be profitable in their benefit sheets.

The change that the fathers and mothers of the nineteenth century have experienced with respect to those of the twenty-first century cannot be denied, but we cannot deny that it would be very good for all of us if the economic system considered another relationship with birth. It is very true that it would be great for us to be forced by the political system through laws that protect and defend births. As it is also in our hands to get it, we cannot deny it, that is also very true.

Photos | iStockPhoto
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