Near you, the best place: International Week of Breeding in Arms 2016

From October 5 to 10 the International Arms Raising Week 2016, a week to raise awareness about the importance of carrying the baby and return to the custom of Raise in arms with the baby always close to you, certainly the best place for him.

Since the world of childcare has struggled to place babies in strollers, hammocks, cribs and so on, the habit of carrying them in their arms or in a baby carrier near their mother's body has been lost, a contact that is not a whim, but a basic need for the baby.

The benefits of porting and taking children in their arms are undeniable. Being carried and held in arms gives the child security, comfort, is a child who cries less and contributes, among other things to relieve colic. The reasons for choosing upbringing are well founded.

The baby needs nothing more than your arms. It does not mean carrying the baby in your arms all day, that if you can great, but practically impossible with the lifestyle we lead. The scarves, ergonomic backpacks and other baby carriers (always used responsibly) are an ideal solution to benefit from this practice with comfort and being able to do other tasks at the same time.

For the baby, being in arms is happiness because it is natural to carry the young near, as do all mammals. And for parents, I assure you that it is also a rewarding experience that you have to try.

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