A baby wakes from coma after her parents refused to disconnect her

There are times when love can be more than reason, and more so if it is the love of some parents towards their daughter, that surely can lead them to exhaust all possibilities rather than surrender to the evidence.

The doctors had carefully assessed the case of Marwa, a one-year-old baby who had been in an induced coma for two months to try to save her from a serious virus, and had already decided that it was best for her to disconnect her. However, the parents got this to not happen, and when he woke up from his coma he left everyone surprised, by showing that he was better than expected.

In September he got a very serious virus

In September Marwa was hospitalized in a hospital in Nice (France) affected by a virus that was causing neurological damage. The doctors decided to induce his coma with the intention of "disconnecting" his brain in some way and keep it from becoming inflamed.

Two months later, the doctors considered that there was not much to do for the little girl, and they transferred to the parents the decision to cease with the treatments, considering that the damages that the little one had suffered were going to leave serious sequels to her brain as well as other organs. As they explained, the girl was going to have trouble breathing, eating and getting around, so that he would always live depending on a respirator and other machines and constant care.

But the parents refused to take that step because they still relied on their recovery, and began a social struggle (they started the "Not without my Marwa" campaign, with which they collected more than 114,000 signatures), as well as legal actions to get an extension. The judges ruled in their favor and granted an extension of Marwa's hospital care for two more months.

And Marwa woke up better than expected

By reducing the drugs, Marwa reacted as nobody expected (well, no one except her parents), by opening her eyes and looking at them. The doctors didn't think he would do it, but he opened his eyes and looked at them. His organs seemed to be responding well and, as the father explained, every day he sees his daughter progress a little: "When I talk to her, she hears my voice; she reacts, sometimes she even smiles."

What the future will hold is impossible to know, but it is clear that her parents will do everything possible and impossible to make their daughter well, cared for and feel loved, so from here we can only wish her to improve as soon as possible and evolve in the best possible way. I wish I could soon be the same laughing girl I was meant to be.

Video: Baby Wakes From Coma As Doctors Prepared To Turn Off Life-Support (July 2024).