Learn to lose

Although parents do not like our child to get angry when he loses, we must think that it is a normal reaction in young children, it bothers him to realize that they are not the best and that there is another child of his age and even less, that He wins. For children to lose, it is a failure.

With a good dose of self-esteem they will be able to tolerate this type of frustrations. We must, as always set an example, if we are bad losers, as a rule our son will be too. We must show that winning or losing, the best is the good time we have spent playing together. It is important to make sure that the child knows the rules of the game, because if he does not understand it, it bothers him that an adult moves the chips or scores points. Do not overvalue your anger when you lose, nor praise him too much when he wins, so we will understand that it is normal that sometimes you win and sometimes you lose, and that in no case, one thing is better or worse.

Something fundamental for your current and future emotional well-being, is to talk to you and make you understand at your level of understanding, that being wrong or losing, are opportunities that are presented to improve and learn.

It will cost you a little learn to lose, but we must be patient and prevent him from stopping to play so he doesn't find himself in that situation. Sometimes you can let him win, but you would get bored, but not taking it as usual, you may feel it is insurmountable, and when you play with friends and beat him you will feel worse.

As you learn to get along with the situation, it is good to say that we are proud of your new way of seeing things, our praise will be your best reward.

Video: Bakermat - Learn to Lose ft. Alex Clare (July 2024).