DVD "Welcome to life: instruction manual for first-time parents"

Mr. Fernando García-Sala Viguer, doctor of medicine and Professor of Neonatology of the Teaching Unit of Midwives of the Valencian Community in Spain, has produced a DVD with the promising title of "Welcome to life: instruction manual for first-time parents".

The video is about the first month of life of the newborn and tries to give guidance or answer to many questions that parents ask ourselves on a day-to-day basis.

It lasts approximately 40 minutes, and is sponsored by the Spanish Society of Neonatology of the Spanish Association of Pediatrics.

We can consult the content of the video from its official site, which provides data from the moment of delivery and the first exploration, to breastfeeding and artificial, advice on hygiene and care of the newborn, sleep, massages, prevention tests and Non-pathological manifestations in these first weeks of life.

As I always say in these cases, let's not expect "the solution." We learn to treat, live and care for our children with practice and making mistakes that help us move forward along the way, knowing them little by little. However, information is also essential to face these moments.

At first glance, then, this seems like a good guidance tool for parents. Maybe some parents of the Valencian Community already know the DVD, since it is distributed among some Health Centers and Hospitals as didactic audiovisual material for childbirth preparation classes.

If any of our readers have seen it in its entirety and could give us your comments about the video, we would be delighted to meet you.

The DVD can also be purchased at El Corte Inglés and Fnac or through the official website for 24.95 euros.

Official Site | bienvenidoalavida.es In Babies and more | Books for parents: tips and experiences from other parents In Babies and more | Back at home with the baby In Babies and more | The most frequent mistakes made by parents of newborns

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