The "moms of yoga"

They are mothers who do not necessarily attend yoga classes, or maybe. But the real ones yoga moms They are an emerging social phenomenon in recent years.

By definition, "they are a generation of young, urban mothers, with high purchasing power and faithful to the latest trends, which have revolutionized the market for baby items, which has skyrocketed in recent years."

They are middle and upper class mothers who take care of their physique, dress fashionably and pretend that their babies also always go to the last.

The wave of Zen mothers has monopolized the sale of children's items, especially in large American cities, although the trend can already be seen in Europe. They acquire the latest fashion, high technology and top quality products, demanding the best for their offspring. Some experts believe that the new phenomenon is due to the fact that women are increasingly waiting to have children, and that when they do have more income to spend on them.

The data speak for themselves. In the United States, the birth rate of women between the ages of 20 and 35 has fallen, while it grew between those between the ages of 35 and 45. And in Europe the thing must go around.

There will always be mothers who recycle the clothes of older children to serve the youngest or who compare the prices of several stores before buying, but it is clear that from now on they live with a new species: yoga moms , mothers willing to disburse $ 2,000 for an ultra-modern stroller or 150 for brand-name jeans for their children.

Video: The Duck Song (July 2024).