The genetic advice, a very valuable information

Genetics is a great ally of science and health, the great advances in this field allow many couples who want to conceive a child can avoid the genetic inheritance they suffer or that they are carriers and that can affect the life of the baby. There is a large number of genetic diseases, about 10,000 are known and affect 5 percent of the population. To ensure an optimal outcome of a future pregnancy, genetic counseling is one of the best options.

Genetic counseling should be commonplace in those who wish to conceive a child and more if they have exceeded 35 years of age, regardless of whether there is a genetic history or not. Any possible problem can be detected and solved by performing a genetic exclusion with the techniques available today, be it a malformation, mental retardation, dysmorphic features or a hereditary cancer. The genetic advice should acquire greater importance and should be taken as a very valuable information for couples looking for a baby, of course the pitfall with which we can find is the price that this information can present, depending on the type of problem sought in genes, the price can reach 10,000 euros and not everyone has this amount.

Hopefully, with the advance of science and new technologies, the costs will end up being reduced, being able to reach an interesting goal, the genetic advice accessible to everyone, in this way not only the health of the child, the human race in general will be improved , since these genetic diseases are gradually eliminated, banishing them forever from the human organism.

Video: Genetic Counseling for Pregnancy (July 2024).