Damn boogers! Essential guide on pediatrics for children from 0 to 2 years old

You probably remember the collaboration in our blog of pediatrician and writer Bruno Nievas, who has just launched a digital book entitled Damn boogers !, an essential guide on pediatrics for children from 0 to 2 years old.

Bruno is also a lover of new technologies and is always looking through them for new ways to approach pediatrics to parents in a simple and direct language. He already did it with Parent Handbook, an application on pediatrics for iOS and now he does it again with this digital guide.

But in Damn boogers! Not only do you talk about boogers. In the guide you will find rigorous content on the 120 most frequent pediatric subjects in young children, divided into five large blocks: feeding, prematurity, vaccines, healthy child development and the most frequent diseases in infants.

Bruno explains to the parents in a close way everything they should know about the baby's health from the first days of life, the first revisions, the appearance of the newborn, recommends breastfeeding and provides advice when this is not possible, so as it offers advice on complementary feeding.

It also deals with prematurity, a very common phenomenon today, and vaccines, explaining what they are and which ones are administered. Diseases deserve a separate chapter, arranged alphabetically with explanation of symptoms and treatment recommendations.

The digital book is available on Amazon for a price of 9.95 euros and it can be read on Kindle or on any mobile device or computer where the free Kindle reading application can be installed (iPhone, iPad or any other Android phone or tablet).

Video: WSRE. Rally 2014. Okaloosa County (July 2024).