Fraud to get a place at school

So difficult it is to get a place in the closest schools or which parents consider best, that the fraud to get children enrolled in schools Primary or secondary

We read a couple of news from Andalusia in which they give it away, parents cheat the administration to get their children to have an education. Sounds weird, right? But it's like that. False registrations, fictitious divorces, diseases or fictitious handicaps ... everything goes so that the school chosen is the one that gives the child a place.

In one of the news they explain that in many cases the parents have declared that their children suffered celiac disease, a disease that produces gluten intolerance, since it gives points to access the school. This seems very sad to us, especially remembering that in Catalonia, children who really suffer from this disease have lost this “privilege”. Also known are the cases of parents who join their efforts and their economy to hire a detective to find if a child has been accepted into school without being legally enforced.

The proximity of home or work and the quality of education are the factors that usually prevail in the choice of our children's school. Given the lack of places and the growing demand, it is increasingly difficult to access public education for everyone's convenience.

Should we believe in the criteria set for schooling or should they remedy the demand? Recall that this problem does not only affect primary and secondary education, but nursery schools lack the necessary places.

Video: I-Team: High School Athlete Address fraud in GA schools "out of control" (July 2024).