Barbie and Bratz face each other in court

We already announced in the post about the little recommended values ​​transmitted by the daring Bratz dolls that since they were designed had dethroned the glamorous Barbies of the leadership of children's dolls. But now the war has stopped being a game or a commercial struggle and has reached the courts.

And why do they fight? Mattel, the maker of Barbie accuses MGA Entertainment (the dad from Bratz) to steal his original design that is the key to the resounding success among pre-teens. The prize is a succulent 500 million dollar business that Mattel could not use after a Annus horribilis With the losses of defective products made in China.

Barbie, created in 1959, was getting outdated and far from the desires of many girls and the Bratz, created in 2001, with a more daring and urban style conquered the Girls from 5 to 9 years old.

Many authors call "pre-teens”To this segment and I am terrified because it demonstrates how in 2 generations we have loaded childhood from all fronts:

  • parents for subjecting them to a rhythm and an agenda of exciting activities and our absence
  • the market for having made them a great goal
  • and fashion and society to make them grow (not mature) ahead of time.

The trial of the dolls with a popular jury promises to be a soap opera. It is clear that the children's market is not governed by the values ​​of fairy tales!

Video: Judge Barbie (July 2024).