It opens in cinemas throughout Spain "The wind rises" by Hayao Miyazaki

I've gone to see the premiere of the last movie of Hayao Miyazaki to the souk cinemas called Majadahonda The wind rises, a production of Ghibli Studies. In addition, the challenge of the day was to meet Laura Montero Plata, a writer and film critic specialized in the production of Miyazaki, which has already been publishing four editions of her book: The Invisible World of Hayao Miyazaki and with which we have participated in a lively chat with the rest of the spectators. The cinemas Zoco, within this process of reconversion of the movie theaters due to the crisis, is organizing events to promote cinema among spectators of all ages, and this meeting with Laura has been an example of success with great attendance and participation .

Laura has said at the end of the screening that It is not a movie for children although I think that for those who are over ten years old it may be a good option. It's a very movie visual, dreamlike with people walking above the wings of airplanes, of great landscapes and in which you can see how the dream of Japanese engineers to become the leaders of world aviation comes true. Although that moment coincided with World War II and well, that's another story.

Although the protagonist is an engineer and you can see the whole process of creating the Mitsubishi A6M1 better known as the fighter Zero, of which none returned to Japan, they say in the movie, there is also a love story very beautiful.

It is the first film, I think, that I have seen from the Ghibili studios despite its great fame. There are well known and recognized works such as Chihiro's journey, The walking castle, Princess Mononoke or Porco Rosso. I have to say that a few years ago we began to see with the little girl The trip of Chihiro and the poor still remember when the parents became pigs. We did not finish seeing her and afterwards I always wanted to know what was happening. So I will take the visualization of this last work as the first one I will see and I hope it is not the last.

The talk with Laura was very enriching and explanatory of the characteristics of Miyazaki's cinema because in addition to the brilliant He drew, in this movie I highlight the human gestures that are exciting, there is a lot tenderness in his films, great animation details, a music integrated into the story and magnificent dream scenes. In addition to very well defined characters, in this case, engineer Jiro, protagonist of The wind rises or the Italian aeronautical designer Caproni.

I really liked the movie and I hope that the little girl is encouraged to see it soon and from there we will recover more works from this Japanese film studio. As Laura commented, although Disney appears in the credit titles, her participation refers to help and support to distribute the film. In any case I got the impression that if Disney put us all in the cinema to live magical moments in family, Pixar put the children who had fun just as well as the parents who accompanied the children, maybe Ghibili puts us at parents so that we can later approach the children to know this fantastic world full of Japanese culture although very influenced by the rest of western artistic movements.

Finally, remembering what Laura has said and confirming what Oti also writes on ABC, which Ghibili It is the name of a type of Italian hunting designed by Caproni. That is, a magnificent end for Miyazaki that started remembering the Italian engineer and ends with a beautiful tribute that also serves as an inspiration, with magnificent appearances in dreams, to tell the story of Jiro. And this engineer is torn between make Japan great Overcoming poverty or illness and the love of his wife while enjoying his work designing machines to fly. And everything happens in a warlike context with World War II, of which he tries to remain oblivious with his perfect aircraft designs to fly.

Our partners of Cinema Blog They also leave us a magnificent promotional trailer to learn more about The wind rises:

I take this opportunity to say that I am trying to Laura Montero Come to Peques and Más to present more details of his work on Miyazaki and also to help us, the first one, to know more about the productions of the Ghibili Studies.

In Cinema Blog | 'The wind rises', Spanish trailer of the film with which Miyazaki culminates his career More information | Oti Rodríguez Marchante's blog on ABC

The invisible world of Hayao Miyazaki

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