Tangerine juice, a very healthy drink

Juices are a good alternative to whole fruits, which are not usually too attractive for children.

Although they are squeezed, Tangerines are great allies in the children's diet since they provide nutrients and vitamins necessary for proper development.

In addition to these benefits, a group of researchers from the University of Valencia has discovered that taking half a liter of mandarin juice daily (2 glasses a day) reduces cardiovascular risks in children, by improving the antioxidant markers of children with cholesterol tall.

Although their contribution of vitamin C is lower than that of orange juice, they have a high content of flavonoids, natural compounds that act as antioxidants, and their sweet taste makes them better accepted by the little ones.

As the experts explained, “the body protects itself from the action of free radicals with a series of antioxidants, but when this balance is lost (due to factors such as diabetes or hypercholesterolemia) problems associated with the development of numerous diseases appear, especially , cardiovascular ”.

Of course, it is a good recommendation considering that 22% of Spanish children have high levels of blood cholesterol.

Therefore, it is better to prevent possible diseases from an early age by accustoming children to a balanced diet where fruits are not lacking and according to the latest study, especially mandarin. Although remember that it is not recommended to offer fruit juices to babies under 6 months and then be careful with the amounts to avoid consequences such as diarrhea.

Video: How to Make Clementine Juice. Clementine Juice. Tangerine Juice. Yummieliciouz Food Recipes (July 2024).