Flu in pregnancy: how to take care of yourself if you have been infected

We all know that a pregnant woman is not a sick woman. However, due to the mere fact of being pregnant, the risk of complications due to certain diseases is higher. One of these diseases is the flu, which has already reached our population and, for this reason, we are going to talk today about the flu in pregnancy.

The flu It is a disease that bothers a lot for a few days, but then leaves without a trace. The problem is that it does not affect the entire population in the same way, because if you are a small child, an elderly person or a pregnant woman the risk of complicating things is greater.

Possible complications of a flu in pregnancy

The greatest risk for a pregnant woman happens in the second and third trimesters, which is when the most feared complications of the flu occur. Putting it in numbers, the risk that a pregnant woman with the flu should go to the hospital for a complication is eight times greater than that of a non-pregnant woman. If the woman also suffers from other diseases such as asthma, obesity or diabetes, the risk is even greater.

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The most common complications are bronchitis, pneumonia and other lung diseases. As for the baby, if the mother gets the flu during pregnancy, she could be born prematurely or underweight. Hence it is important to prevent the flu.

Symptoms of the flu in pregnancy

The symptoms that a pregnant woman can suffer if she gets the flu are the same as those of other adults:

  • Cough
  • Increased mucus (rhinorrhea)
  • Fever of 37.5 ° C or more
  • Sore throat
  • Loss of appetite
  • Other symptoms: backache, headache, fatigue, vomiting and diarrhea.

How to prevent the flu in pregnancy

In addition to logical measures, which include not approaching people with colds or flu, washing their hands frequently and staying in well-ventilated places away from crowds, prevention goes through get a flu virus.

The flu vaccine does not usually have side effects beyond those typical of any vaccine (fever, nausea, vomiting, muscle aches, ...) and helps prevent a woman from contracting the disease. In case of infection, because no vaccine is 100% effective, the risk of complications from the disease decreases.

In addition, the vaccine also serves the baby, because it protects from birth to the sixth month of life. As newborns, as we have said, are part of the population group with the highest risk of complications, it is a fact to take into account when making the decision to get vaccinated.

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Medications for the flu in pregnancy

If it finally happens that a woman is infected with the flu while pregnant she should know that the only treatment that can be given is an antiviral, being the most recommended oseltamivir, better known as Tamiflu (name that sure will sound to you from the time of influenza A).

However, its administration should be indicated by a doctor, so if you have flu symptoms, you should consult a health center. This is even more advisable in case the woman feels shortness of breath or feeling that she can catch less air than usual, since they can be symptoms that the flu is getting complicated with some more serious pathology.

Other medications such as those typical for treating flu and cold symptoms (they don't cure, they only treat the symptoms so that the disease is less bothersome) may not be safe, because they contain several drugs. Some of the components may be safe but others may not, and therefore it cannot be said that none is completely reliable. In general it is better to avoid them, especially in the first 3-4 months of pregnancy.

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Thus, the only medication that could be used with relative safety is paracetamol, useful to control fever and to alleviate a little the various pains that flu and fever can cause. I say relative safety because its consumption during pregnancy has been associated with respiratory problems in childhood, so again, to know the risks before taking anything, it is advisable check with the doctor to indicate the most appropriate and safe according to the severity of the picture.

Video: Healthy Pregnancy Tips From the CDC (July 2024).