A mother invents a harness so that her son with cerebral palsy can walk

When creativity and sensitivity go hand in hand, something positive will emerge. Both things are what music therapist Debby Elnatan has launched, ora mother who has invented a harness so that her son with cerebral palsy can walk.

When his son Rotem was two years old, doctors told him that he "did not know what his legs were, that he was not aware of them." However, she did not give up on her efforts to someday give her the chance to stand up.

That was how he decided to create a harness that allowed him to ride with the help of an adult. He has done many tests to reach the current design of Upsee, that's what he called it.

Upsee is a harness that is attached to the adult so that the child stands and when the adult takes a step, being united, so does the child. Very similar to what we do when babies start taking their first steps and make them walk on our feet.

A company in Northern Ireland has manufactured it and after being approved in the United Kingdom, the United States and Canada, Upsee is marketed worldwide being able to realize the dream of "walking" to thousands of children with cerebral palsy or some motor disability.

It is a joy to know that thanks to this mother many children can enjoy taking a walk with their parents or do things they never imagined being able to do from a wheelchair. Not only are they being given a physical possibility, but it is very positive for their emotional health.

Video: Help Children With Disabilities Walk With This Tool (July 2024).