The first days of the baby

The baby's first days are the beginning of a series of very important changes in family life. They will mark the style of the relationship you will have with the newborn, so you should reflect on how we should behave with him.

The most important thing in the first days is to be attentive to their behavior. Birth is a very intense event in the baby's life, so it is a priority that we adapt to the child and not vice versa (he still has no resources to adapt to us).

This is related to the visits of the first days and social commitments. It is not fair that the baby has to endure the whims of adults. I would advise that the first three days, those of the hospital, we recommend that you not come to see us. It is a period in which the couple needs privacy to consult the insecurities that arise (this will cement mutual security) and it makes no sense to parade through the room family and friends. In addition, the room is normally shared in public hospitals and it would be a good habit to try to respect the bed partner.

Once at home, visits are inevitable (and desired) but it is convenient to set some limits. If you want to see the child and he is asleep, let him admire him while he dreams, but do not think of waking him up. It might be a good idea to have a good amount of photos to show visitors in case the baby is asleep, the mother is tired or just doesn't feel like much social life. Here the father can act as host and assume these commitments.

Above all these days, we must strive to meet the newcomer, try to give him the greatest security and comfort and ensure that he sleeps and feeds in the most satisfactory way. There are many authors, especially psychologists specialized in the psychoanalytic current, who give great importance to the first days and months of life of the baby and to the family relationship that is established for the construction of the emotional structure that will then govern the entire adult's life. Although this should be considered with measure (babies are not as fragile nor do I believe that we will drag childhood experiences throughout our lives), it is common sense to think that a child requires calm.

In conclusion, I argue that these days the tranquility should be the general tonic. Parents enjoy fifteen days of leave that we can invest in caring for the baby and the mother and spend as much time as possible together, learning to know the gestures, noises and peculiarities of our son. This initial preparation in which we strengthen our knowledge in the way we communicate bodily and facially and in which we begin to assume our responsibilities, will prepare us later to become reflective and proud parents of our work.

Video: Spina Bifida: Your Baby's First Days (July 2024).