Summer and pregnancy, how to cope with the heat

The heat of summer is difficult for some people to endure, it can cause tiredness, bad mood, reluctance, stress, etc., but if this adds to a pregnancy, it can be almost unbearable. As always, there are tricks that allow you to cope with the summer season, tips that although the pregnancy is very advanced, they will fight the discomfort caused by the heat, spending a cooler summer.

If you must go outside, try to be in the hours of less heat, in the morning and at night, avoid direct sunlight between 10 in the morning and 4 in the afternoon, and if there is no choice , try to rest from time to time sitting in the shade.

If you are at home and you have air conditioning, you will have no problems, although a fan can also keep you cool. Open the windows of the house first thing in the morning to let it air, but before the heat begins to tighten, close them, lower the blinds slightly and run the curtains so that the house stays cool.

The clothes you wear should be made of fine and breathable fabrics such as cotton, silk or linen, and you will stay cooler if the clothes don't fit too tightly. The footwear must also be cool and comfortable, because with the heat the feet are inflamed, so you will have to opt for comfort rather than fashion. To relieve as much as possible the inflammation of the lower extremities, nothing better than movement, if you work, take a few minutes of rest to raise your feet, sitting in a chair or on a park bench, raise and lower your feet several times, if you are at home you can do it several times a day.

You should remember that during pregnancy, the skin is more prone to sunburn and spots, whenever you go outside, you should apply a sunscreen.

The fluid intake should be almost constant to avoid dehydration, in addition to staying hydrated they will refresh you, so when you go out, do not forget to bring a bottle of water or fruit juice.

What needs to be slightly reduced is salt in meals, as it retains fluids and as a result there is inflammation, which is very annoying. Take cold foods such as salads, fruits, etc.

When the body asks you to, refresh yourself with a warm shower or just putting your feet in the bathtub or pool of cold water. The heat can tire you a lot, so take a little nap if you can, once you've rested you will feel better.

The collaboration of the future dad or family when doing housework will also be a great relief, do not hesitate to ask for help whenever you need it and above all, that good humor reigns.

Video: Taking Care in Heat During Pregnancy (May 2024).