Premature twins of 26 weeks gestation are born

We often bring you news about premature babies and how they managed to get ahead despite missing many weeks to be born. That has been the case with some British twins born at 26 weeks gestation.

Willow and Stanley were born so small that they say they fit the arm in the father's wedding ring. They weighed 900 grams, had major respiratory complications and survived with harsh penalties, but after staying 143 days in the hospital they have finally been able to go home.

More and more babies are born who are extremely premature, we have known babies who have barely survived with just 22 weeks. There are also more and more those who, thanks to therapeutic advances, recover, although many are left with sequelae.

According to the Spanish Society of Neonatology, the survival rate of those born with 26 weeks of gestation, as British twins is 63 percent. Fortunately, they have managed to put themselves on the good side of statistics.

They have fewer and fewer risks and a better quality of life, but the truth is that the increase in premature births has increased markedly in recent years. The mother's advanced age and multiple pregnancies are among the most frequent reasons.

It is certainly great news that premature twins born with just 26 weeks gestation They have managed to survive, but the sad thing is that there are many babies who do not have that luck, whose cases do not come to light.

The desirable thing is that along with advances in the care of premature babies, new solutions are sought to try to prevent premature births.

Video: Baby Born at 26 Weeks - CHI Health NICU (July 2024).