Summary of the week from January 4 to 10 in Peques and More

We return a week, and another year, full of resources and content for all those who want to follow learning about those wonderful children from 5 to 12 years old How much life makes us happy. And it is that in our corner of Peques and more We bring you our weekly summary for the whole family. We take this opportunity to wish you a Happy New Year full of hope.

This week the Magi arrived and the happy and familiar Christmas parties ended. I hope that many children have received their gifts because they have behaved well and that they have reached many children thanks to the initiative of the True Kings. So it is time to recover habits and schedules so that the children acquire the usual routine before the holidays. The sales have also come, so you have to take note of some recommendations not to succumb to them.

The babies may not do it yet, but the little ones seem to be able to talk asleep. In this article we discuss what are those episodes of movements and behaviors of an involuntary nature that occur during children's sleep. We also present the advances in materials used in playgrounds to prevent accidents in children.

We love that children are creative and learn to express their abilities, in the future all the stimulation we give them of their knowledge and the impulse of their learning will be valued.

The adventures of Spoti is an interactive online game that features a fun character through which children with Down syndrome can learn healthy habits related to eating and physical exercise. We also remember the physical punishments that apply to children and that do not serve the purpose that some parents intend, because far from getting their children to respect them, they encourage their contempt for the adult.

Children, since they are young, receive many gifts and rents that can be made profitable using products sold at bank branches. Here we comment some of them.

We usually talk in Peques about food allergies, which are becoming more frequent, and about the responsibility that parents, manufacturers and restaurants run, marketing products suitable for allergic children. Another issue we discussed on nutrition was the proposal of nutritionist Dukan who demands that the future President of France take measures to combat childhood obesity. And in the parks, please, keep an eye on what children put in their mouths because they have to prevent intestinal parasites.

Finally, we remind you that we have a year of Anti-Tobacco Law in Spain with very interesting results and that it is worth analyzing and following its evolution.

As always, we recommend that you go through Peques and more, so that you can review these contents more widely as well as discover more articles than those included in this summary. Until next week!

Video: LGR - The Sims 4 Vampires Review and toddlers! (July 2024).