How to treat behavioral problems in the child

If you feel worried about your child's behavior problem lately, maybe this book can clarify things a bit and help you decide what you should do.

Sometimes it is not easy to tell when it is a passing problem or if it is certainly a more serious behavior disorder that requires the treatment of a specialist.

How to treat behavioral problems in the child, is a practical guide to detect and address emotional disorders Prepared by psychologists from Spain and Latin America and coordinated by Guido Aguilar.

Children's emotions are very intense, variable and unpredictable. Therefore, they propose practical solutions and strategies to some frequent problems in children such as shyness, lack of concentration, tantrums, depression and low self-esteem.

According to experts, it is very important to detect and identify the behavioral and emotional problems of children in order to give them an adequate solution.

The book analyzes the origin and characteristics of childhood emotional disorders so that the reader acquires the necessary preparation to intervene and help children, as long as their emotional situation does not require the professional intervention of a psychologist or psychiatrist.

A recommended reading for parents to learn to understand the whirlwind of childhood emotions, and act in the most successful way.

238 pages | ISBN: 8466539514 | 17 euros

Video: Treatment of Behavioral Problems with Child & Adolescent Psychologist Dr. Collins Hodges (July 2024).