Folic acid in pregnancy, also for better mental development in the baby

It is known that vitamin B9 or folic acid in pregnancy, it is essential to prevent neural tube defects, but it would also have other benefits, such as contributing to better mental development of the baby.

It would have a strong impact not only by preventing serious diseases such as spina bifida or anencephaly, but also to avoid an increased risk of the child developing emotional or behavioral problems.

Some studies have also pointed to folic acid as effective in preventing language delays and even that it would contribute to having smarter children.

Folic acid is an indispensable aid during pregnancy, which is recommended to start taking at least one month before the start of pregnancy to ensure that the woman's body has the necessary reserves of this essential vitamin. When you find out that you are pregnant, the neural tube may have formed, which is why it is so important to start taking it sooner.

A vitamin supplement of 400 micrograms folic acid, always as part of a healthy diet. The diet should include foods rich in folic acid (for example: flour, rice, pasta, bread and cereals) and in folate, that is, the natural form of folic acid found in some foods such as they are green leafy vegetables, legumes or oranges.

In addition to preventing neural tube defects, folic acid proves to contribute to the baby's mental health and to improve their developmentor, therefore, it is enough to start taking it when planning a healthy pregnancy.

Video: Folic Acid (July 2024).