Tell us your story: Renata is such a long-awaited baby!

We continue with the section Stories of parents in which the readers themselves tell us their experiences, smiles and tears with motherhood / fatherhood and share their feelings with the entire virtual community of parents. If you want to participate, you can send your stories to [email protected].

In the history of today Nora and Raul tell us their long years of waiting until the arrival of Renata and how it has improved their lives.

Hi. My name is Nora and I will tell you the wait and arrival of my little Renata. Renata is such a long-awaited baby! I will tell you why.

Raul (the proud and happy dad) and I have been together for 13 years. It seems very true, but in reality they have been happy years of living as a couple. But like many couples, we wanted to have children.   From the beginning, always living with the desire to become parents. Only time passed and we could not get pregnant. At first, we thought it was the nerves, the anxiety, and that time passed because it would surprise us. Then we resigned, thinking we would not be parents. And the possibility of visiting a doctor terrified us. But years went by, 12 years to be exact! And God, we had prepared a beautiful surprise. My first pregnancy symptoms, I took them like when we eat something that we dislike in the stomach, and I drank chamomile tea to calm down! hahahahahahaha. My suspicion was getting bigger when I spent a month without having my period, and we were getting more and more excited. But as we had been through the same thing on other occasions, because we did not want to be excited, and that it was a false alarm. So we had no doubts, I had the blood tests for pregnancy. And the big surprise: Madam you are pregnant! I couldn't believe it, I thought I was dreaming, that news was so many times expected that it didn't seem real. And in the ultrasound test I could see it. Wuuaauu !! Such a tiny thing. My gynecologist informed me that I already had a pregnancy of 3 months and a half. And he told me that some women at the beginning are still menstruating and that is why they don't realize, like me. They imagine, we were very excited, and we told our family and friends. And a whirlwind began around me. You have to take care of yourself! What is it: boy or girl? What name have you thought ?. Start preparing everything for your arrival. Do you already know where it will be born? We have to buy maternity clothes. Medical consultations. Anyway, a whole stream of things and questions. The following months, they developed quietly. The Doctor gave me the news that we had a girl. Renatita didn't bother me much. And I thoroughly enjoyed those months that I had left. My body began to change. I started to gain some weight. I didn't fit in my jeans anymore! Hahaha. I started to feel how it moves, a unique, incredible experience. And his dad embezzled with the belly, caressed the belly where his baby was, kissed him, put cream on him, talked to him. He showed him everything he bought. And he looked so sweet showing so much sensitivity. Everything was very good, it was a pregnancy without many complications. By the age of 8 months and one week, I already had a huge belly! And one day, at 6 in the morning; When we were still sleeping peacefully in my pillow nest, where it suited me better, I began to feel like when you feel like peeing, but little.

And I moved to get off the bed and go to the bathroom; because when I could get off (you will already know the moms I am referring to; which implies moving and changing positions to sit and be able to get out of bed); I felt that something happened and that a lot of liquid came out of my body, thinking of a second that was like incontinence but it wasn't like that. It was that my fountain broke! An emotion overwhelmed me, but also nervousness, because it was not yet time, it still lacked. Raul with the nerves, spoke to our relatives to warn, and they took me to the Hospital, a doctor checked me and told me that I was already 4 dilatation and that I had to be admitted.

I said goodbye to him and they took me to the delivery room, but the strange thing is that I didn't feel pain. The doctors and nurses took my blood pressure, monitored my baby's heartbeat, and told me that everything was fine, only that they had me as hypertensive, something that didn't happen to me before. On that side I was a little scared, because I wanted everything to be perfect and to be a normal delivery, and if the pressure went up more, I would have to have a C-section. Although as long as my baby is born well, they did what was necessary. Periodically they checked how the dilation was going; They explained to me how we were going and as the hours passed I began to feel contractions, although they were not very painful, I hardly felt pain; Already at noon, they intensified and now it was when each contraction began to hurt. The doctor told me that my pressure was regular and that according to my baby's monitoring everything indicated that it would be normal delivery.

After a little while, he told me that he was already 8 dilated, then 9 and until the doctor told me: Madam list, it is time. I only heard when they said: Expulsion! And the nurses arrived and together with the doctor they moved my stretcher and took me down a corridor, and they were shouting as if giving warnings: Expulsion! Expulsion!. I felt happy because my Renata was coming and I was finally going to meet her.

They took me to the Expulsion room, where I began to push to bring Renata into the world, after hard work, I heard her cry and I began to cry but with emotion. They showed it to me, cleaned it, weighed it and put on their identification bracelets. When they put it in my arms, it was such a beautiful moment! Just remembering that moment, I cry again. It is an emotion, a love, that fills your heart and overflows throughout your body, and that reaches beyond the sky.

Huge big eyes were looking at his mother and the world; His warm little body next to me, so soft, listening to my voice and recognizing us. And when I grab my finger with his tender little hand, I cried more with happiness. I fell madly in love with her in a second. Also Raul, when he met her, fell in love with his daughter, so happy, overflowing love for all the pores. And when we got home, there were already three of us. A very happy family. Now my Renata has 1 year and two months. And every day that passes I fall in love more with my baby. With every thing he discovers day by day and with the tricks he does. When he gives me those kisses full of tenderness, when he gives me those movie smiles for some mischief, showing me his little teeth; when he hugs me and tries to embrace me with his little arms; when we talk and read stories with his dad; when she starts dancing, I barely listen to music, when we take her on a beautiful walk, discovering everything around her. He has a lot of energy, which seems to never get tired; It is a whirlwind walking. At night, Raul and I observe her when she sleeps peacefully; already reassures in his crib; After having exhausted your energies playing, doing and undoing. And we tell ourselves it was worth the long wait. Now we are much more united, and more in love than ever. Always hoping to have the wisdom to be able to educate her. And we know that we have a long way to go, to make little Renata a good person; We are giving our best to make it so, and to be a very happy girl. That is the story of my baby, my family; I hope you liked it.

Video: Bryan & Ashley Chea talk babies, bank accounts and packages with BHL Host Carla Renata (July 2024).