According to the AEPED: "Lactating in public should not be seen as obscene or sexual, nor something that should be hidden or restricted"

In the light of the controversy surrounding breastfeeding in public places that we echoed a few days ago, the Breastfeeding Committee of the Spanish Association of Pediatrics It has issued a statement in which it defends the right of mothers and children to be able to practice breastfeeding on demand in any situation and place. It also states that Lactating in public should not be seen as obscene or sexual, nor something that should be hidden or restricted.

Once again, from the official organizations and scientific communities, the feeling of so many families that claim the right to breastfeed in public is supported, a right and a need that should be supported by the relevant educational and legislative measures as claimed by the AEPED in its release.

Breast milk, more than a food

They also remind us that breastfeeding is much more than the healthiest and most natural food we can offer our baby and a way to strengthen the mother-child bond. Breastfeeding is also an effective way to improve the physical and psychological health of children, thus reducing health and social spending.

As the duration of breastfeeding also increases its benefits, promoting and defending prolonged breastfeeding results in the common good of society in general.

Delaying the shots generates unnecessary suffering

Breastfeeding should be on demand, as and when the baby requests it and for as long as it needs. Only in this way is it possible to ensure the good health of the baby, who needs the milk both at the beginning and at the end of the feeding, and from the mother, who will avoid engorgement or mastitis.

The AEPED thus defends the right of all mothers to respond to the needs of their children whenever and wherever they will not generate unnecessary suffering..

Normalize the lives of mothers

One of the rights that mothers are most frequently denied is to have a normal life. It seems that the mere fact of having chosen maternity voluntarily forces us to confine ourselves at home until society considers that we no longer represent an uncomfortable icon in the streets.

Especially important is the recognition by AEPED that not only can the mother but also have to live a normal life and frequent public places where in all likelihood you will need to breastfeed your baby. The report concludes that

It is the responsibility of the entire society to allow it to do so freely.

Nursing rooms are not the solution

The statement reflects in a timely manner the feeling of so many mothers that we refuse to spend their lives in dark nursing rooms, without ventilation that often also function as a toilet and changing table which is not only unpleasant but not very hygienic and recommended for baby's health

Perhaps the most important thing is to emphasize that The function of these rooms is not to hide the mothers but to help them as much as possible and that making use of them is not an obligation but a personal and non-transferable option of the mothers.

It is society and not mothers that must change

We must achieve a change in attitude in society so that we are all able to understand that breastfeeding is part of human nature, of our culture; so that the image of a mother breastfeeding is something so everyday that nobody shocks anyone.

This official statement from Lactation Committee of the Spanish Association of Pediatrics arrives at a very opportune time to remember their own and others Lactation in public should not be seen as obscene or sexual, nor something that should be hidden or restricted.

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