"Blended", the expression of love towards a new member adopted through a photographic series

Professional photographer Kate T. Parker is famous for her photographic series about families and for her wedding reports. This time, on the occasion of the arrival to the family of his new nephew, Sam, he wanted to capture the feelings of the family.

With "Blended," Kate expresses unconditional love for a new family member through a series of photographs.

When a new member arrives in the family we are invaded by singular feelings, nervousness to know what it will be like, who it looks like, from whom it will have taken out the eyes, the color of the hair, that is, we try to locate it within our family nucleus, give it the hollow in place of the tree.

But when the baby is adopted, we know that there are no genes in common, we know that he will not have his father's chin, mother's nose and there are those who present a difficulty when accepting this child as part of the family, is something that can happen. Although, it is normal that soon, or rather, we instantly forget the real origin of that baby and see him as what he really is, one more member, our nephew, cousin or grandson. Love rises from within to welcome the family.

This is precisely what Kate Paker wanted to show through her photographs, those of her own expectant family before the arrival of a new member.

Here you have some pictures of the series "Blended", the rest you can see on their facebook page or on their website.

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