What if we start by being more tolerant of other mothers?

When we decide to start a family and have a baby, a long stage in our lives as mothers begins in which we must make hundreds of decisions about the care and nurturing of our children. And while there is a range of possibilities and choices that we can take, they are not always well received by other people.

Therefore, today I want to talk to you about how despite having different opinions, we are all united in this long and wonderful path called maternity, and propose the following: What if we start by being more tolerant of other mothers?

Going from being a woman without children to a mother is one of the greatest transformations we can experience as women. Not only are we saying goodbye to the pace of life we ​​have become accustomed to in recent years, but also, we ourselves go through transcendental changes On a physical and emotional level.

The transition to motherhood is different for every woman: Some find it lighter or easier to decipher, while for others the change can be very confusing at the beginning and adaptation can become something truly challenging.

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Probably few life experiences put us in a position as complex as motherhood, in which we have to ask ourselves many questions and make tens or hundreds of decisions about our life, our body and our babies.

We can be very sure of what we want, or present several doubts that make us question those things that we firmly believed before having children, something that usually happens when we realize that sometimes, motherhood can be very unpredictable.

From pregnancy, we begin to investigate, analyze, reflect and meditate on each of the decisions whose choice will define much of our experience with motherhood, and that is when we begin to realize that there is no single way to raise. Isn't that a wonderful thing?

Having the possibility to choose between one thing and another is, I think, something that as mothers we have in our favor, because it gives us the freedom to take those options or alternatives that best meet our needs and that work best for each of us.

But also, when choosing, we will not only realize that we have more than one option to select, but also, there are more women in our situation, going through that stage of uncertainties and decisions, in which we will not always agree.

And so, after talking about the possibilities we have as mothers, I get to the main point of this article: respect the opinions of other mothers, who may be different or opposed to ours.

We must remember, that although we all travel a similar path from pregnancy to parenting, each woman lives her motherhood in a different way. And this also includes not thinking the same or the same way in some things.

All we are doing the best we can with the tools, information and knowledge we have and we acquire over time. Let's not forget the goal we have in common: the well-being of our children.

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Why today I want to invite you, to put aside those absurd discussions or wars of mothers. That if we go to school, that if we do prolonged breastfeeding, that if we have too many children, that if we educate at home, that if we do not stop working to follow our professional dreams, that if we want and seek to have moments alone to feel better.

If you meet a mother who thinks or thinks differently from you, practice tolerance, respect and don't judge her. Each mother is living her motherhood in the best possible way and only she knows well the reasons or circumstances that led her to make this or that decision.

Let's start by being more tolerant of other mothers, that motherhood can have its lonely or difficult moments, and a look of empathy instead of one that judges us, will make our path easier. We go hand in hand towards the same destination, although our steps on the road may be a little different.

Video: Don't Put People in Boxes (July 2024).