Extreme yoga for babies or abuse?

It is hard to believe that what we see is not a doll, but it is not. It is a baby and his cries and movements confirm it. Acts as disturbing as these make you lose faith in the human being, in reason. Have we gone crazy? Who can consider that what we see is not abuse but "extreme yoga"? How are breastfeeding women breasts censored and instead this barbarity is allowed to circulate on Facebook?

Although we want to sell as "extreme yoga", a "method" created in Russia and that some people practice with their children shaking them and giving them somersaults in the air with rather little care, in the video that is generating so much controversy we see that one more reason is added than what would qualify as abuse: the baby of a few months is immersed in a bucket of water, repeatedly and without attending to his desperate crying.

The images, of great hardness and that you can see below in the video of a news for television, have reached the NGOs that defend the rights of children and, logically, they did not take long to denounce them to Facebook as hurtful, terrible and disturbing, as they threaten the rights of children. However, it seems that the video can continue to be seen on the social network, although what we have accessed is the news of it on YouTube and various media.

If the baby cries, he doesn't like it. It is something that falls by its own weight. And what we see in the video is a baby crying desperately to suffer the shaking and diving in the water. The person who does it is not seen. In some media it is said that it is Lena Fokina, although she is Russian and those who have heard the original video point out that she speaks in a language of Asian origin. Lena Fokina practices "extreme yoga" for children but, as I have seen in various videos, never getting to the extreme of putting the baby underwater.

However, despite this, he already has several groups against him (and not recently), because this extreme yoga has little relation with yoga, with well-being, with relaxation. In this video, titled "Controversial Baby Dynamics Yoga" we can see Lena Fokina practicing extreme yoga (or juggling) with babies. At first I even had the impression that what "flew" were dolls, but they are babies. As much as the environment is idyllic (a beach, as we see in the cover photo), it is scary to see how it "manipulates" the baby and warns many risks for the little ones. Other mothers join extreme yoga and we also know the origin of this "technique".

The founder of this "method" was Igor Borisovich Charkovsky and according to his followers the "yoga movements" are designed to improve the abilities of babies and muscle development (although it gives us the impression that it is simply a gym object for those who shake it). Children's hands get stronger and also appeal to the early development of children: "children often turn out to be the first readers, singers, talkers, swimmers." However, none of that seems possible seeing the images.

Would you think of doing something similar with your children? Well, according to experts, haemorrhages, dislocations and even brain injuries These are some of the possible consequences of the accelerated and abrupt movements of this "extreme yoga" that shakes the baby, flips it through the air, shakes it and puts it at risk of falling and trauma. As much as they want to dress up as "yoga."

In addition to this the drowning that in this strange "modality" we can see, in the video that has unleashed the controversy recently and that goes a step further in the brutality, I really believe that even the defenders of extreme yoga would have something to say.

We warn our readers that images can hurt sensitivity. In our opinion, although Facebook does not consider it that way, we see humiliation and mistreatment and if we have decided to put it in, it is because it is news about it, with comments from the police and the images appear blurred, although I do not know if that remains crudeness to the matter.

A video that leaves us with a feeling of drowning, helplessness, suffering and anger because there are people capable of doing something like that in the world, of deliberately terrify a baby of a few months and above it is considered that, well, nothing happens either. Hopefully the subject who does such barbarity with the baby is found (although it seems that the video is old) and it is found that the child is well. Because if this is what they do to record and spread, I don't want to think about what they will do in private.

Video: Controversial Baby Dynamics Yoga (July 2024).