Children measuring less than 1.35 meters, always in the back seat

We already announced it with the changes that the new traffic law would bring and Since the 1st of october This new measure will come into effect with respect to the height allowed for the little ones to travel in what part of the car.

The Government approved yesterday at its meeting in the Council of Ministers a modification of article 117 of the General Traffic Regulations that establishes the obligation that Children measuring 1.35 meters or less should always travel in the back seat.

There are only two exceptions to this rule: the child may only go in the front seat when the rear seats are occupied by other minors with their restraint chairs or in the case of two-seater vehicles.

It also establishes the express obligation to install child restraint devices according to the instructions provided by the manufacturer, since there are different types of approved systems: some, oriented in the direction of travel and others, in the opposite direction.

Can I take the child in his chair in the front seat?

One of the questions that arise from the new regulations is whether babies can travel in the front seat in their corresponding child restraint system of Group 0 or 0+ (up to 13 kilos) in the opposite direction to the march and with the airbag disabled.

Many parents place their babies in this way, since they are still very small and more comfortable to care for them.

At first, it would seem that this will no longer be allowed. It is not specified in the Royal Decree released, so we will have to wait for the DGT for more information about its use before it is put into effect.

In a car with more than two terms, they can only occupy in the front seat when the rear seats are occupied with other children under 1.35 meters in their corresponding chairs.

That is, if you have three children and the three chairs do not fit in the rear seats, one of them (you must choose according to the age of the child) can occupy the front seat with the approved device according to their age.

In the opposite direction to the march

This is not part of the Royal Decree released yesterday, but it is recommended that children under 15 months always travel in the opposite direction to the march. Chairs placed in this direction are safer, since it allows the neck and column to be better protected in the event of a collision.

The chairs of Group 0 and 0+ (up to 13 kilos in weight) allow to be placed in the rear thanks to a base, but not all of Group I (from 9 kg to 18 kg), II and III (from 15kg to 36 kg) they allow it, although due to the new European norm i-Size manufacturers are taking models suitable for placement in both directions.

Video: Day 2: Uber Elevate Summit 2019. Uber (July 2024).