A father builds an amazing Star Wars "Speeder Bike" for his daughter's first birthday

A crack. That's what this man who has decided to give his daughter on his first birthday is, a "Star Wars Speeder Bike" as a horse to mount and swing whenever you want.

He has given it to him, but of course, to do so he has had to build it, because this is not sold in stores (imagine what it would cost). The feat, of course, has made his work is going around the world between parents and also among fans of the saga.

His name on the net is Gelmir complexion and he has shared his work on the Instructables page, where he also briefly explains how he has done it. This, of course, is useful for those who are handyman and capable of doing something similar, because if I had to do it I would just buy a horse and hit two brooms to the head (and that's why I admire even more people capable of creating these wonders).

The Speeder Bike is known for her appearance in the movie "The Return of the Jedi"And to create it, he had to think about how to do it so that it was tough and safe. Apparently, the girl is the little sister of a 5-year-old boy who will also want to ride and had to think a lot about the design so that both could get on and play without risks.

The result is really amazing. Now we just have to grow a little more to enjoy it fully (it seems that the birthday of the girl is just an excuse for the father to make this spectacular toy), as you will see in the video yet It does not swing on its own and parents do not just trust their ability to stay on top:

Surely in a while you will have a great time with the Speeder Bike and with everything that builds him, then seeing what he has achieved, it seems obvious that he must already be turning his head to his next work. If you want to be a child again to ride!