Some Spanish celebrations that the child defender should review, or not

The other day we saw how a Fran Rivera uploaded some photographs of him to the social network Instagram, fighting with his daughter of a few months in his arms, this generated a controversy and debate about the presence of minors in certain events, which well because of his festive nature and Traditional enjoy a fairly lax regulation in the sense of allowing the presence of minors or even their direct intervention.

Bullfights, motorcycle races, ralis, castels, even certain types of extreme sports, imported from other latitudes, have become quite popular among young people. We have searched the national geography those Spanish celebrations that the ombudsman should review or not

National holidays or celebrations

Bullfights: more than a national holiday, they should call you national confrontation Well, it is basically what he is generating between the supporters of these events and the defenders of the animals.

In case there is a foreigner in the room who does not know what they are, I will tell them that they consist of putting a few men and a bull inside a circular structure called a coso or bullring. Usually, there are variations, but the most common is that of a bullfighter, banderillero or picador face the bull in turns. Like these animals, (I mean the bull in this case) they tend to be quite strong and can be very dangerous if they are disturbed, something in which it seems all participants are engaged in the event. To lower the fumes of such a badly polite animal, the banderilleros stick flags (and not especially those that one eats in the bar on Sundays with a cane) and the chopper a pica. This causes the animal to lose bellows little by little and is easier to fight, of course, this brings a side effect that is to put everything lost in blood which creates an atmosphere of Dantesque spectacle that some call art.

This show, in which sometimes bad luck is primed with the bullfighter and ends up cornered by the bull (risks of the profession), can be seen from the front row by minors, There is no clear regulation at the national level, not even at the local level. Because who are we to deny access to art to a child?

Events with animals: It is clear that in this country we have so much in mind to our four-legged animals that we make them partakers of many parties. Thus, for example we have the bull embolado (to which the antlers are set on fire), the bull of the rope or the rope that is carried by the people tied with a rope, heifers, which are a kind of bullfight bulls (supposedly without blood) in which there is a heifer and from one to a multitude of participants who stand in front of it with the intention of dodging it and not being thrown into the air or rolled over. It is assumed that in these cases it is the parents or adults responsible for the care of the children who must ensure their safety, I suppose that as an impromptu cushion to cushion shocks.

All these celebrations carry different types of protections by way of declaring intangible heritage of humanity, national, regional or of the people, as the case may be and the authorities accept it.

The castells

Less known nationally, but they also enjoy great acceptance, animals are not mistreated here (at least those with legs). It consists of making a kind of tower of cards in which instead of using cards, we use people of different constitutions, ages and sex. Here, the danger lies in those who are below, who have to bear the weight of all those who are carrying them and of the children (yes, it is children who climb the last floors of the human tower).

It is clear that these holidays, which have been declared as Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity the defender of the child or, failing that, some common sense has been going on over the years and every day greater safety measures are applied, especially for children. Of course, you bear the weight of other children when you're up, that's still as usual.

Sports events

Car, motorcycle racing, etc. Normally, these types of events usually carry a very important safety device, both for the participating pilots, and for the public.

The problem comes when we start celebrating this type of event locally, on unprotected roads and we get that mania of putting ourselves in the best place to see the show, which is usually the most dangerous. Above all, if running and jumping is not your thing (something quite common in young children or in arms).

extreme sports

When I was little, every child had a bicycle. We went everywhere with them and, okay, we were children and quite unconscious, so more than one ended up in need of hospital services in the country or failing that of the mother who was closer to the accident. We were without a helmet, without knee pads, or elbow pads, or anything that would isolate us from the ground in case of a fall, but it was "what we had", you didn't know anything else either.

Today, any parent can cover his son from head to toe if he wishes. The problem is that children remain children and their level of unconsciousness has not changed in thousands of years and when they watch on TV as some teenagers throw themselves down the hill at the full speed that gravity and their hollow heads provide them, logically the first thing they will do when they take the bike that day is to do the same. It will be of little use, if you arrive on time, to explain to them that they do it because they are trained, that they have already taken extra blows and that they are older children and not children of six years to whom the wheels have been removed 15 days.

As you can see, reaching an adult is still a dangerous adventure that not everyone will see the end, although little by little we are getting the vast majority if it does, once there and still alive or failing, whole, It will be everyone's problem.

Do you know any other celebration to send to our child advocate?

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