The pretty picture of a police officer breastfeeding a baby that they cried at the police station

A few months ago we told you the story of a police officer who breastfed a baby he found abandoned and who became famous throughout the world for the tenderness of his act. Now it has happened again, in Argentina, and the gesture seems so beautiful again that we wanted to share it, along with the (strange) story that accompanies it.

It happened at the Tunuyán police station, Argentina, where a man came with his baby in his arms, desperate because I kept crying. As we read in Ideal, the man decided to enter the police station to ask for help because the baby cried a lot and did not know what to do to calm him.

At that moment he went into action Silvina Rojas, the police officer who was the mother of a child recently, and who decided to do the same thing she does as much as she can for her baby: take it, rock it and offer her breast.

And the baby did not hesitate to breastfeed, as you can see in the photo: "The baby was hungry, so I had to feed him. Then my classmates and I bought him diapers and some clothes."said Silvina.

And the baby's mom?

Good question. Apparently, the mother, 15 years old, argued about some issue related to the baby with the father and grandfather of the child, and he couldn't think of anything better than to take the child and take him. Of course, when the baby was hungry he complained, and that's when the father chose to enter the police station.

Hopefully, sincerely, that the discussion between the parents has been resolved or, if not, find a way to care for the baby properly. Because if when the child cries because he is hungry the best idea that the father has is to go to the police, I don't know if he will be in the best hands.

The precious act of the police officer

In any case, once again, I want to highlight the beautiful act of the police officer. As the mother of another baby, he did with that unknown baby what he felt he should do at that moment, offer your chest. In a world that is often frowned upon by a woman breastfeeding her own baby in the street, imagine what you might think of a woman who breastfeeds a baby who is not only not her own, but It is also unknown.

I, at least I, think nothing more than "bravo, because although human, we are still mammals, and a crying baby deserves to be taken care of. "

Video: Photo of police officer breastfeeding malnourished baby goes viral (July 2024).