Both babies suffered the same car accident: the one who was in a back-up chair came out unharmed, the other suffered serious damage

In recent years it has been recommended that children travel in car seats placed in the rear as long as possible since it is safer. There are proven safety tests that guarantee this and now we know a terrible case that makes us become even more aware of the importance of caring for the safety of children on car journeys.

Angela Castaño is a mother who last February experienced the worst of her nightmares. He came back from the dentist with his two daughters in the backseat of the car when he suffered an accident. Fortunately all three survived. The girl who was in a chair placed against the rear left unharmed, while the other, who was in a chair facing forward, suffers serious damage.

Apparently, the car crashed into a tree at 100 kilometers per hour, turned and was on the roof. At the same time, the tree fell on the car, leaving them trapped inside.

The eldest daughter, whom she calls "Miss 2" is almost two years old and was in a chair in the direction of the march, and the youngest, "Miss 1", almost one year old, in a back-up chair, is Say looking back.

After the accident, the girl suffered no damage, except a bruise on her shoulder. In contrast, the major has two broken cervicals (c2 and c3) and damaged cervical ligaments 1. They have had to place a halo, an orthopedic device that is placed to those who have suffered a spinal injury and that keeps the child's head and neck completely still. They still don't know if he will recover completely and what sequels they may have left.

The mother wanted to spread her case to raise awareness of the importance of taking children in chairs to counter-ride in the car. Next to the photos leave this message:

As you can see, two girls who have suffered the same car accident properly insured, one has life-threatening injuries and the other none.

I wasn't sure when I should place my babies facing forward, but after our accident and the hard evidence, I will always look back as long as possible. Don't make the same mistake as me. It can cost you the lives of your babies.

Why is it more safe to countermarch?

In this video you will find perfectly explained what happens when a shock occurs when the baby travels facing forward and what happens when the baby travels backwards.

It is recommended at least until two yearsBut the truth is that it is best for children to travel on their backs as long as possible, until it is physically impossible to continue doing so. In Sweden, for example, chairs are designed to travel backwards until the age of four.

Via Womansday
More information | Backwards
In Babies and more | Child seats misused in the car, more common than we think

Video: "Penectomy Victim Baby Ashton and Family In Near Fatal Car Accident: Maggie Rhodes Interview" (July 2024).