Food aimed at children: the most beautiful but the least healthy, by far

Back to school and for some children, back to unbalanced breakfasts, buns at recess and snacks loaded with added sugars, back to cookies that really aren't as healthy as the package full of colors and drawings says, very nice but maybe very bad.

Are we aware, fathers and mothers, that prepared foods aimed at children, may be the prettiest but sadly they are also the least healthy? Because those responsible for buying them and taking them home, we are, so yes, we should take it into account when putting them in the shopping bag.

A study published in 2008 indicated that 89% of food for children that were analyzed, could be described as “Low nutritional quality” when loaded in its composition of sugar, salt or fat.

Taking into account that only foods directed at children were analyzed but outside the category of “junk food” (industrial buns, soft drinks, fatty or salty snacks and “sweets”).

90% of breakfast cereals aimed at children which were analyzed, had such sugar content that nutritionally they were of poor quality.

Only 1% of the foods studied were fruits and vegetables, specifically chopped apples and small carrots, because these types of really healthy foods did not usually target children.

The most outrageous perhaps is that 63% of the "fun foods" aimed at children, carried the bulletin of a health-related statement on the packaging, which is logical considering that it is adults who calm our conscience when reading that message when we buy this type of products from our children, although deep down we are not so convinced of their supposed benefits.

According to experts, it is likely that between 70 and 160 kilocalories "over" in the daily diet of our children, are involved in the origin of obesity that children are suffering.

Taking action

If we adults are responsible for what goes into our pantry, we are also the first to take action. Children cannot decide what is bought and what is eaten at home, we cannot educate you if we allow it, do not you think?

  • Let's not forget that we are his example in everything and in food, we are too. We cannot recommend that you eat healthy if you do not see us eat healthy products.

  • Breakfast is very important and sometimes the rush and nerves that make not breakfast time, are solved by making the alarm ring ten minutes before. And once we have time for breakfast, it is interesting to introduce food such as oatmeal, do you know it, have you ever tried it?

  • Why not go back to the snack of a lifetime for breakfast for recess of our children or for after school snack, to regain real strength and in a much healthier way.

  • Build a small garden at home. It is clear that children (and adults) learn more when they actively participate in the experience. They will learn to eat their own fresh and natural products.

  • To watch a movie and peck something, maybe we could put aside prepared and pre-cooked products and allow healthy products and snacks prepared at home to take their place, among all.

maybe "back to school" it is time that we all adopt new and good dietary guidelines and let more fresh and natural foods enter our pantry and less, much less, processed foods so "attractive" as negative for the health of our own children.

Photos | iStockphoto
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