The babysitter failed her and she had to go to work pregnant and with her three-year-old daughter in a backpack

Not all mothers have the possibility of going to work with their children, but Megan Meier, an Oklahoma mother who is a sports doctor, can be said to be privileged and was able to reconcile both facets to an unforeseen event at the last minute.

A few days ago he starred in a photo that went viral, which summarizes the perfect balance between work and professional life of a mother The babysitter failed her and she had to go to work pregnant for 35 weeks and with her three-year-old daughter in a backpack.

Multitasking mother

Megan had to go to cover a football game of the local university team as a doctor. Her husband was traveling, she had called a babysitter to take care of her daughter, but at the last moment she told him that she could not go. He saw himself in one of those situations in which you have probably found yourself once in which you wonder "And now what do I do?". And he immediately came up with the most normal solution: He decided to go to work with his daughter.

He arrived at the game and thought that leaving a three-year-old girl on a football field unattended was perhaps not the most appropriate, so he decided that it was best to carry her back in a backpack.

Someone took her picture and she shared it on Facebook in a group of medical mothers to represent the work that many of them do every day.

Luck hers

You could say that Megan It is a privileged. Not all mothers have the possibility of carrying their children in a backpack and taking them to work if they wanted to (some would not do it even if they could), they could not even consider it.

True reconciliation is in being able to choose. Having the necessary support to take your child to work if it is what you want or if you have an unexpected last minute and be able to reconcile your professional face with motherhood without having to give up either.

"I really think you can have everything and find a good balance between a multifaceted career and life," says the mother.

And it ends with a reflection that is key so that we can see more mothers make their lives compatible as professionals:

"However, it requires a lot of hard work and improvisation at times. The most important thing is that you need a large community of people supporting each other to make it work."

Video: When a Mom Saw What This Doctor Was Doing with Her Kids, She Captured His Actions on Camera (July 2024).