European Breastfeeding Week 2016. And you, how would you summarize your breastfeeding in one sentence?

Throughout the first week of October World Breastfeeding Week is celebrated in Europe, which coincides with the 41st week of the year. This week would be the most likely date of childbirth and therefore the beginning of breastfeeding of a pregnancy started on January 1. This date was chosen as a complement to the World Breastfeeding Week held in August immersed in an important holiday period.

By consensus in Spain, most Breastfeeding Support Groups begin the celebration tomorrow, first Sunday of October, with various joint events and the dissemination of a manifesto whose content reflects the motto chosen by WABA (World Alliance for Breastfeeding Action ) for the World Breastfeeding Week of each year, which we already talked about on August 1.

Last year the motto was "Breastfeeding and working: let's make it possible!" and in 2016 it is emphasized that Breastfeeding is "key to sustainable development", focusing attention on the relationship between breastfeeding and sustainability and with the Sustainable Development Goals set by the United Nations.

And, thanks to breastfeeding, more than 800,000 lives could be saved each year worldwide. Feeding with breast milk and good nutrition in childhood are also crucial aspects to achieve the Millennium Development Goals, especially those related to child survival, such as reducing by two thirds the mortality rate among children under Five years, eradicate extreme poverty and hunger.


Definitely, breastfeeding is key to sustainable development Because it is linked to nutrition and food security, health with development and survival. It contributes to achieving economic productivity and full educational potential since breastfeeding is an environmentally sustainable feeding practice compared to other alternatives.

Your breastfeeding in a sentence

To celebrate this date indicated in the month that we have just opened, the Breastfeeding Committee of the Spanish Association of Pediatrics has launched a campaign on social networks in order to publicize the experiences of nursing mothers. Families can participate in “My breastfeeding in a sentence”, by sending a photo to Facebook or Twitter of the committee in which a phrase that summarizes your experience with breastfeeding appears.

And it is that for all women, breastfeeding is an important and special moment, surely lived with intensity at the beginning, remembered with love and longing later, once it has passed, but each one can express it differently, each woman can have Different experiences. It is about adding experiences and making breastfeeding a little more visible and its benefits. These are an example of the phrases that are coming to the Breastfeeding Committee:

  • Breastfeeding my son is to continue giving him life beyond pregnancy
  • Breastfeeding caught us, fell in love, made us one
  • The best I ever did!
  • There is no more special moment, more endearing and satisfying than breastfeeding
  • The best food for body and soul

Remember, The motto for 2016 is "Breastfeeding: Key to sustainable development" and we can also celebrate it in networks, adding to the most widespread social movement in defense of breastfeeding, summarizing our experience breastfeeding our children in one sentence. Difficult summary, but surely very emotional!

Video: Breastfeeding Intake Assessment - Part 1, How to know if a baby is drinking enough milk. (May 2024).