The incredible story of Jaxon, the baby who turned two despite missing most of his brain

Jaxon Buell was born on August 27, 2014 in Orlando, Florida, with a congenital malformation called microhydrocephalus, a neural defect that occurs in the first weeks of pregnancy and that prevents the proper development of the skull and brain. In the case of Jaxon, It has been reduced by 80 percent.

During pregnancy checks, parents were informed about their baby's condition, but Brandon and Brittany decided not to abort and move on with the pregnancy, even though they were told they would die before delivery or would have a few days to live. . Against all odds, the one known as miracle baby has already turned two and continues to surprise everyone with their milestones.

A great fighter

"Nobody knows what will happen tomorrow. They told us it would not reach two years and it did"

Microhydrocephalus is a more complicated version of microcephaly, the congenital defect related to the Zika virus.

During pregnancy, they were warned that, to survive, would have serious neurological deficiencies, who would probably be born blind, deaf, unable to communicate, sit or crawl, since all the components of the brain that allow these functions are not present.

His brain stem, essential for motor development, is much thinner than it should, while his cerebellum, responsible for controlling, among other things, balance and coordination, did not form properly.

However, Jaxon listens, looks, can smell, reacts to stimuli and although with difficulties, he also speaks. He recognizes his name, turns his head when they talk about him and tries to reach things with his hands.

They have nicknamed him Jaxon Strong (in English, "strong") for his determination to live, and it is not for less, because despite the worst omens the little one is surpassing every day. Their achievements are minimal, but each of them is celebrated with the greatest joy.

They were called "selfish" for not aborting

When the child's story goes viral, many crossed out their parents as selfish for not having aborted to a baby who would have great limitations to live. To which the father replied:

"I will never understand how choosing to bring Jaxon into the world and giving him the opportunity to live can be considered selfish." When did choosing life become a selfish and condemnable act? "

"We asked the doctors if Jaxon would suffer or if his life would endanger Brittany's, whether during pregnancy or childbirth. They told us no and, from then on, at no time we considered the idea of ​​abortion."

Celebrate every day

His story caught everyone's attention because of how incredible it can be for a child to survive without most of his brain, a condition that is obviously irreversible. But personally, what touches me most in history is the life lesson that little Jaxon and his parents are giving: to celebrate life every day. The way they look at him, the love they give him every day, even knowing he can be the last one, because nobody knows what will happen tomorrow.

"We celebrate Jaxon's life every day. We try to make him every special day. From reading him a story or being all together on the couch, every little action for him is a world."

His parents collect the experience in the book “Don't Blink: What the Little Boy Nobody Expected to Live Is Teaching the World about Life.” (“Don't blink. What a little boy nobody expected to survive is teaching the world” ), where they have day to day with their child.

Its history is so exceptional that there is no predicted forecast. The majority of children with this condition die within a few hours of being born, although "there are cases of children with this malformation who lived until their thirties, with relatively normal lives, using their senses completely," says Jaxon's father.

It suffers seizures and presents medical complications that are solved as they occur. Meanwhile, they celebrate every little achievement no matter how minimal.

Photos | We are Jaxon Strong (reproduced with family authorization)
In Babies and more | Seeing her, the adoptive parents rejected the baby and her biological mother did not hesitate to keep her

Video: 'Miracle Baby' Born Without Most of His Brain Defying Odds. ABC News (July 2024).