A pediatrician answers all your questions about breastfeeding

The World Health Organization recommends the exclusive breastfeeding during the first 6 months of life and its maintenance up to 2 years or more. This is undoubtedly one of the issues that most worries the parturients, who know how important it is for the future development of their baby and are also aware that sometimes it is not easy for them.

Therefore, we have transferred the most frequent doubts that are usually had about breastfeeding to Natalia Villó, a pediatrician and head of the IHAN project since 2011 at La Zarzuela University Hospital and international lactation consultant (IBLCL). Promoted by WHO and UNICEF, this project pursues the definitive guarantee that in the hospital mothers will have all the medical support necessary for their breastfeeding to succeed, since only accreditation is granted to hospitals, health services and maternity wards that adopt the practices they protect, promote and support humanized birth and exclusive breastfeeding from birth.

To date, no private hospital in Madrid has achieved the prestigious accreditation. However, La Zarzuela University Hospital has already successfully passed the first three of the four phases of the Initiative for the Humanization of Birth and Lactation Assistance (IHAN).

There are moms who put their baby to their chest in the same delivery room. When should it start? Is it so important to do it soon?

Early skin contact with mother-child skin at birth favors the stabilization of the newborn, as well as the onset and duration of breastfeeding. It is recommended that the baby take his first take in the first half hour after birth, since at that time the newborn is alert and active and it will be he who looks for the nipple to breastfeed. The early sucking of the baby stimulates the synthesis of prolactin, a hormone that is involved in milk production. The sooner the breastfeeding process begins, the greater the chance of success.

What is the best posture for a first time to breastfeed?

There are different positions to breastfeed a newborn. The most common after birth is the “cradled” posture: the mother is sitting or lying on the bed, and the baby's head resting on the mother's forearm. To get a good grip, the nipple should point towards the baby's nose. Once hooked, the mouth should span nipple and areola, the lips are everted and the chin and nose should be attached to the chest. But there are also other positions that may be useful: in the case of caesarean section or having a large chest, the “rugby ball” posture is recommended. In the case of twins, to engage both at the same time, this position or that of "cross-cradled" is also useful.

And those who want to practice colecho, can they breastfeed?

Colecho is beneficial to promote breastfeeding on demand, Always following the safety recommendations for the baby. The lying position to breastfeed is very comfortable for night shots, always ensuring that the grip is adequate.

What exactly does "breastfeed on demand" mean?

It is recommended that infant feeding be on demand, that is, that the breast is offered to him whenever it wishes and during all the time that wants. The time it takes to complete a shot is different for each baby and each mother, and it also varies depending on the age of the baby and from one dose to another. However, In the first days of life it is recommended that you take at least 8-12 shots per day.

In the first days of life it is recommended that you take at least 8-12 shots per day

How do you know you have enough milk for the baby?

In general, All mothers produce the amount of milk their babies need. The baby's suction stimulates prolactin, a hormone that is responsible for "producing" milk. The greater the suction of the baby, the greater the production. The number of bowel movements and the baby's wet diapers are indirect signs that he is feeding. The baby's weight control will be what, finally, tells us if the intake is sufficient.

How do we know that our milk "is good"?

The composition of breast milk is always the "best" baby needs since it adapts to the needs of the newborn in each case. In babies born prematurely (early), breast milk is rich in "special proteins" for growth and "defenses." Colostrum is produced in the first days of life: this milk has a higher proportion of perfect proteins to feed the newborn in the first days.

If the grandmother could not breastfeed, can the mother give it to her son?

The success or failure of breastfeeding has no genetic inheritance. It is due to multiple factors among which the hereditary is not found.

If the baby cries a lot and demands the breast at every moment, will it be that he is hungry or not well fed?

Babies feed on demand, each has its own rhythm. Crying can mean hunger, need for attachment, pain, discomfort, etc. It is necessary to assess in each case what is the cause of the crying. If you think the breast demand is excessive, it is important to assess whether the grip is adequate and the baby removes all the milk he needs.

Is it necessary to wash your chest before each shot?

It is not necessary to wash the chest before each shot or after, since the microorganisms in the skin are not harmful to the baby.

Artificial milk does not contain many of the components that make breastfeeding unique from the nutritional and immune point of view

What is the difference between colostrum, transitional milk and mature milk?

During the first days, after delivery, it occurs colostrum rich in immunoglobulins, defense cells, proteins, vitamins and minerals. It is a "more concentrated" milk that helps to eliminate meconium and protects the newborn against infections. Transitional milk is produced between the 4th and 15th day after delivery and it has less protein than colostrum. This milk varies day by day until it reaches the composition of mature milk, which has the appropriate proportion of proteins, enzymes, immunoglobulins, fats and carbohydrates that the infant needs for its development, growth and defense against infections.

Should you always give both breasts in each shot?

Each baby needs a quantity of milk, depending on their weight and the days of life they have. Some children get as much as they need from one breast and others take from both. The important thing is that, at least, empty one chest in each shot before offering the other. In this way you get both the first portion, rich in lactose; as the final portion, rich in fat. Both are necessary for its development. At the end of one breast the other is offered if the baby wants to continue breastfeeding.

Should the baby wake up at night to breastfeed?

During the first days it is recommended that you take at least 8 daily shots. The duration of each shot is determined by the child himself, the ideal is to wait for the child to release spontaneously. But nevertheless, It is convenient to wake him up by stimulating him to put him to the chest if the baby sleeps for more than 3-4 hours (frequent thing the first day or day and a half). As days go by, once we have verified that the weight gain is adequate, it is not necessary to wake him since the baby will wake up when he needs to feed.

If you get cracks or suffer a mastitis, will the mother have to stop breastfeeding?

The cracks are caused by a bad grip on the baby. If they appear, the hitch must be corrected so that they are cured or evaluated, placing a liner temporarily. It is not recommended to stop breastfeeding. Mastitis is a chest infection that must be treated with antibiotics. The baby can continue to be fed with the breast affection, since the infection does not pass to the child through the milk.

What is special about breast milk that makes it so different from artificial milk? Is the latter not an exact replica?

Breast milk It contains nutrients in the right proportion to feed the baby and also defense substances that are not reproducible in the laboratory. Artificial milk is modified cow's milk so that it resembles breast milk, but does not contain many of the components that make the breast milk is unique from the nutritional and immunological point of view.

Why is breastfeeding recommended as the exclusive feeding of the baby during the first six months of life?

There is currently enough scientific evidence to state that breastfeeding benefits the breastfed infant from birth and that its effects last for years after weaning occurred.

Everyone gives advice on breastfeeding, sometimes they are different and mothers feel very confused ... Will there be someone at the hospital available to advise and help?

The Hospital de la Zarzuela is working to obtain the accreditation as IHAN Hospital (Initiative for the humanization of childbirth and lactation of the WHO). For this, professionals in contact with the mother and the newborn have extensive training in breastfeeding. From the moment the child is born both the mother and the baby have trained staff that will help them at all times, whether the newborn is healthy or if he enters the Neonatal intermediate or intensive care unit.

And once at home, how will you know you're doing well? Where do you go if you have doubts or complications arise?

At the Sanitas La Zarzuela University Hospital we provide you with contact with breastfeeding support groups closest to your home. We also put at your disposal the Breastfeeding Consultation, where pediatrician and nurse lactation specialists will evaluate the intake, assess the complications that have arisen and resolve their doubts.

Images | iStock / jfk_image / Evgenyatamanenko.

Video: Common breastfeeding questions. (July 2024).