For a real integration: #store hand to autism

Tomorrow, April 2 marks the International Autism Awareness Day. The Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities recognizes in its article 3 the right to individual autonomy and the independence of persons. Also, in article 12, he stresses that they have "legal capacity on equal terms with each other in all aspects of life." However, this in practice is not so.

Therefore, from Plena Inclusión Madrid they have prepared This video that asks us to reach out to people with autism spectrum disorders (ASD). They demand that society not be so individualistic and think more about others, that it be supportive by treating people with autism as equals: reach out, not "rescue."

This has been claimed in the recent conference "Inclusion is everyone's business: Tend a hand to autism", organized by the group of experts Inclusion Madrid TEA, where this awareness video was presented.

In it we see people with ASD and their relatives, as well as other people who with different motivations to participate in the campaign, offer their direct testimony, talk about the difficulties they face every day and make their requests:

I don't want hands to take my sister away at recess.

I want a doctor's hands to give us peace of mind.

I don't want hands that point to my son for playing differently.

But if they want more entrepreneurs to give them a job opportunity, that the administration and society lend a hand to the more than 350,000 people with ASD in Spain.

Public resources are needed for the inclusion of people with disabilities to be effective, to promote inclusive education, for the construction of necessary special education infrastructure ... These are just some of the needs for the real integration of people with ASD. And to make them effective, you have to reach out to autism from all areas.

Official Site | Full inclusion Madrid
Video | Youtube
In Babies and more | World Autism Awareness Day: they are not invisible beings, These are the tests with which you can know if your child could have an autism spectrum disorder